Hypothalamic And Pituitary Disease Flashcards
Pituitary Adenoma
Found in 14% of autopsies.
Most come is prolactinoma
Causes variety of symptoms.
Can be treated with transphenoid surgery
Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary
Somatotrophs- Growth Hormone Gonadotrophs- FSH, LH Corticotrophs- ACTH Thyrotrophs- TSH Lactotrophs- Prolactin
Hormones of the Posterior Pituitary
General Rules for Endocrine Testing
To rule out HYPOsecretion you stimulate the endocrine axis (like with ACTH or GHRH)
To rule out HYPERsecretion you suppress the endocrine axis (like with overnight dexamethasone product)
How to diagnose Acromegaly
Elevated IGF-1
Non-suppressed GH level after OGTT
Functions of FSH and LH
FSH: SPermatogenesis and Growth of ovarian follicular granulosa cell
LH:Testosterone production from Leydig cells and Ovarian steroidogenesis
Cushing’s disease
Overproduction of ACTH that leads to adrenal overproduction of cortisol. (Can be ACTH independent but that would be Cushing’s SYNDROME)