Hypertensive Disorders In Pregnancy Dr. Wootton Flashcards
- Chronic HTN
- Gestational HTN
- Preeclampsia
- Eclampsia
- Preexisting , comes 1st half, persists 12 weeks postpartum
- After 20 weeks gestation
- After 20 weeks + proteinuria
- Preeclampsia + new onset seizures
Growth US deon when , Antepartum fetal testing done when in chronic HTN mother
- Every month after 28 weeks
2. 32-34 weeks start
Mild hypertension
- BP is what
- Tx
- What do you do
- Under 160/110
- Start 81mg baby aspirin at 12 weeks
Hypertensive therapy if at 160/110 - Prenatal visit 2-4 weeks until 36 weeks, antepartum monitoring, deliver at 38-39 weeks
Severe HTN
- BP is what
- Tx
- What do you do
- What to avoid **
- Over 160/110
- Give antihypertensive therapy (Methyldopa bad, Labetalol, Nifedipine) and others
- Continue same fetal monitoring every 3-4 weeks with stress tests + , 24hr urine collection every trimester + look for preeclampsia + deliver at 37-39 weeks
- AVOID ACEI + ARBs, = renal dysgenesis, calvarial hypoplasia, fetal growth restriction
Gestational HTN
1. Definition it needs to have
- No preeclampsia features
2. After 20 weeks, or within 48-72 hours after delivery , resolves before 12 weeks postpartum
- SX
- DX
- proteinurea, HTN, edema can happen
2. Scotoma, blurred vision, Epigastic and RUQ pain, HA
Risk of preeclampsia
- Age under 20, over 40
- 1st baby
- Multigestation
- DM, obesity BMI over 30, chronic HTN, renal disease
- Antiphospholipid syndrome
- AA
- Prior history *, assisted reproductive technology
Brain, heart, lungs in preeclampsia
- Brain = due to cerebral edema HA, fibroid necrosis, thrombosis, microinfarcts, petechiae hemorrhages
- Heart = absence of normal intravascular Blood volume, FALSE ELEVATED Hb AND Hct*
- Lungs = Pulmonary edema not due to heart, colloid osmotic P changes, = LEAKY BVs
Liver, Kidney, eyes in preeclampsia
- Liver : RUQ pain, sinusoidal fibrin deposition in periportal areas with surrounding hemorrhage + Portal cap thrombi(subcapsular hematoma—> Liver rupture) PAIN when GILSONS capsule expands
- Kidney : proteinuria, edema = glomerular cap endothelial cells swell ——> narrowing capillary lumen
- Eyes : retinal vasospasm, retinal edema
Mild preeclampsia (Preeclampsia without severe features) 3 things it needs
- Over 140/90, less then 160/110 at least 4 hours apart
- Proteinuria over 300mg/24hr**, urine Protien : Cr = 0.3mg/dL *
- Asymptomatic
Severe preeclampsia (preeclampsia with severe features)
- BP is over 160/110 2 times and 4 hours apart
- Oligouria (less then 500ml/24hr, serum CR over 1.1 or doubling from baseline **
- Liver Enzymes 2x upper limit, OR Epigastric Pain even after tried tx (RUQ pain)
- Pulm edema
- Low pts (thrombocytopenia )
Severe preeclampsia PE findings and labs findings
- Brisk reflex, clones at least 3 per dorsiflextion, edema
2. .high hct, lactate dehydrogenase, AST/ALT, Uric Acid + Low plt
Managing MILD Preeclampsia if under 37 weeks
- Weekly BPP 1 time and NST 2 times (Biophysical profiles, non stress test)
- Fetal US every 3-4 weeks
- Labs + office visit 1 time a week
Managing MILD Preeclampsia if at 37 weeks or over
Begin induction at time of DX,
- if cervix is favorable = induce with pitocen
- Cervix is not favorable = cervical ripening with cervidel
Managing SEVERE Preeclampsia
- Immediate hospitalization
- Deliver if at 34 weeks
- Antihypertensives (Labetalol, Nifedipine)
- Corticosteroids (dexamethasone or beatmethasone) if under 37 weeks to work towards delivery = decrease intracranial hemorrhage and stabilize BVs
- Magnesium Sulfate is used for
2. When can you not give pain management of regional anesthesia
- Seizures prophylaxis in preeclampsia pt
2. Thrombocytopenia present in preeclampsia
Mg sulfate
- Risk it has
- Monitor how
- Fluid overload, restrict fluid, resp paralysis, cardiac arrest, loss of patellar reflex (1st sign that dose is too high) between 4-6 ideal not above 7
- Check every hour, continue 24hr after delivery
- Calcium Gluconate
- What
- What should i do first
- Tx
- New onset tonic clinic seizures (1-2 min) most occurs within 24hr of delivery
- Protect airway
- Give Mg Sulfate, lorazepam if persistent
HELLP Syndrome is what and stands for
Variant of preeclampsia
- Hemolysis,
- Elevated Liver enzymes,
- Low Plt
= 50% eclampsia pts, 4-12% preeclampsia pt
Labs in HELLP syndrome + TX what to do
- LDH over 600
- AST/ALT 2x upper limit
- Plt under 100,000
HTN and protienuria is variable
What can you do to prevent preeclampsia
Aspirin if pt has risk factors
Urine dip stick should be what to be diagnostic for preeclampsia
+ severe features can be what
+ 2
(Use 160/110, however with abnormal lab findings and Neurologic sx = Severe OR vision change for example or HA without med relief, or Cr over 0.3mg, THEN if at 28weeks and you cant deliver her give corticosteroids and use Mg sulfate to prevent cerebral palsy if EM deliver needs to happen anyway, give antihypertensive also)