Breast Examination Dr. Wootton Flashcards
Most common location of breast cancer
+ most comon routes
Upper outer quadrant = Tail of Spins
+ Lymph node and internal mammary nodes
Estrogen on breast
Progesteron on the breast
E: adipose growth and lactiferous ducts
P: stimulate lobular growth and aveolar budding
Risk factors for breast cancer (personal to body)
- Age
- Atypical hyperplasia
- 1st degree relative with breast or ovarian cancer
- Early menarche (under 12yo)
- High breast tissue density (mammogram works not as good)
- Late menopause (over 55yo)
- No pregnancies
Risks for breast cancer (more)
- Never breast fed
- Long term oral contraceptives
- Postmenopause obesity
- Alcohol
- High socioeconomic status
- Jewish
- Tall height
DX tests to order for breast exam
- Mammogram
- US
- Fine needle aspiration
- Core biopsy (always for palpable mass)
Mammogram works how
Detects lesions 2 years before palpable, less then 1cm can be detected
= 40yo and older Females
= Screening : 4 images (2 craniocaudal, 2 mediolateral), digital enhancement or radiograph
= Diagnostic : screen with US and compare with other breast also
Abnormal mammogram finding is what
Spikulated calcificaition
BI-RADS are what
Assessment catagory for how a mammogram looks
- 0 = you need more imaging , did not get everythign you need to see
- 1 = good
- 2 = benign , not to worry only keep up with routine screening
- 3 = could be benign only look at more frequent for changes (every6mo)
- 4,5,6 = suspicious for cancer
US is used how
Young breast so under 40yo or others with dense breast tissue
= inconclusive mammogram (solid vs cystic)
= guide core needle biopsy
US solid vs cysts looks like
Cyst = completely black Solid = grey / black
MRI is used when
- Suspicious breast with Mammogram
- Post cnacer diagnostic
- High risk like BRCA carries
Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy is used for what, gauge size
- Determine solid vs cystic (clear = no further evaluation, bloody = send to cytology + do mammogram /US)
- If cyst reoccurs or never resolved = biopsy
- 22-24 gauge
Core needle biopsy is what and needs what and gauge size
- Need local anesthesia, can be done also in office
- Get tissue from solid masses
- 3-6 samples about 2 cm long
- 14-16 gauge
Mastalgia is what, cyslic vs noncyclic vs extramammary
Breast pain
- Cyclic : with period
- Noncyclic : tumors, mastitis, cysts, antidepressants, antihtn
- Extramammary : trauma, shingles, fibromyalgia
Benign Breast Disease : Mastalgia TX
- Danazol : gives hair, deep voice, intracranial P, weight gain, high blood sugar
- SERMS tamoxifen : can cause endometrial hyperplasia and DVT
- Oral contraceptives, Depo Provera
4 . Proper bra fitting, weight reduction, exercise, low caffeine, Vit E, Primrose oil **