Benign Conditions Vulva And Vagina - Dr. Moulton Flashcards
With ambiguous genitalia what should you do
PE , hormonal studies, karyotyping, us (usually with suboptimal or unsure genital structures the baby is assigned Female gender)
Female Pseudohermaphroditism
masculinization of female outside parts, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, clitoromegaly, hypospadiac urethra meatus , malpositioned vaginal orifice
Male pseudohermaphroditism
Mosaicism + virulization and mullerian development, androgen insensitivity syndrome (feminization of a male external parts)
Androgen insensitivity is caused by
X androgen Rs, external F phenotype in male 46XY,
True hermaphroditism
Both female and male development externally and internally
Labial agglutination what and tx
Labia major as are stuck together, t4 with Estrogen cream and massage to separate the labias
Fox-Fordyce Disease what and from what
Severe itchy raised yellow cysts in axilla and labia majora/minora
= from keratin-plugged inflammation of apocrine glands
Inclusion cysts location and sx, tx
Under epidermis and mobile and nontender , slow growing , no tax required
Epidermal inclusion cysts , what, when, location
- Genital cysts most common,
- When hair follicles become obstructed
- Deep portion of follicle swells to accommodate the desquamated cells
Vulvar varicosities
Can become late during preg, blue color
Lentigo and nevi
Lentigo (freckles) and nevi (moles) make sure they are not melanoma
Urethral Caruncles
- Looks like
- Location
- Who and reason
- Small fleshy red outgrowth at distal edge of urethra
- Children = spontaneous prolapse of urethral epithelium
Post menopausal = hypoestrogen vaginal epithelium everting urethral epithelium
Vulvar Vestibulitis (Vestibular Adenitis) **
- What
- Sx
- Tx
- Infection of minor vestibular glands
- 1mm-4mm red dot lesions very tender + out of control PAIN, dyspareunia, vulvar pain
- Topical estrogen /hydrocortisone or surgery
Sebaceous cyst , location what, and looks like
Sebaceous gland inflammation , inner surface of labia minora and majora , cheesy material inside
Fibromas what, size,
- Most common benign solid tumor of vulva
2. Slow growing, 1cm -10cm (can get 250lb)
Lipoma what
Slow growing adipose tumor
- Hidradenoma
- Syringoma
- Neurofibromas
- Sweat gland of vulva lesion
- Eccrine gland tumor
- Von Recklinghausen disease
many 2-3mm red lesion s usually 50yo,60yo women
Vulvar hematoma
Collection of bleed collect from trauma
= monitor and may have to do surgery so it does not bleed into peritoneal cavity
Atrophic Vaginitis how, sx, tx
- Low Estrogen (removed ovaries, menopause)
- Labia fuse together more and shrink , rugae of vagina lost (more smooth)
- give E topical or oral
Lichen Simplex Chronicus (Squamous Cell Hyperplasia)
- What
- Sx
- Histology **
- Tx
- Local thickening of epithelium from prolonged itching
- Itching + White, red thickened leathery raised surface (looks like psoriasis
- ELONGATED rete ridges + Hyperkeratosis of keratin layer **
- Steroid and antipruritic agent
Lichen Sclerosis
- What and who
- Sx + looks like
- Biopsy histology
- Tx
- Risk
- Menopause woman, on vulva
- Intense itching, dyspareunia, burning pain
+ Thin white inelastic skin, crinkled tissue paper like(onion skin, cigarette paper, parchment like) - thin epithelium , LOSS of rete ridges**, inflammatory cells lining BM
- Clobetasol 0.05%
- SCC of vulva in 3% treated and 10% nontreated
Lichen Planus
- What
- Sx
- Syndrome it can form
- Tx
- Purple polygonal papules appear in erosive form
- Vulvar burning, severe insertional dyspareunia
- Vulvar-vaginal-gingival syndrome : lichen Planus of vulva vagina and mouth
- Topical and system steroids
- Inheritance
- Looks like location
- AD
2. Velvety , no silvery scaly patches like on extremities, on vulva
- Pemphigus
- Bechets syndrome
- Crohn’s disease
- Autoimmune blistering disease on voluvovagina and conjunctiva
- Ulceration in genital, oral + uveitis
- Fistulations on vulva ulcerations
- Apthous ulcers
- Decubitus ulcers
- Acanthosis Nigricans
- Contact dermatitis
- Painful ulcers superficial (common in mouth)
- From chronic pressure (immobile elderly pts) or from wet tissue in urinalysis incontinence
- Brown pigment thickened skin, obesity, insulin resistance, benign or malignant conditions
- Soaps, perfumes , latex condoms, red, edema, ulceration,
Imperforate hymen
Bulging membrane like structure blocking vaginal opening , think dark bluish structure entrapping menstrual flow
Transverse vaginal septum
Upper and middle 1/3 vagina , small sinus or perforation for menstrual flow , impede intercourse
Midline, longitudinal vaginal septum what and associated with
Double vagina, can attach to lateral wall = blind vaginal pouch
= associated with duplication anomalies or uterine fundus
Vaginal agenesis and associated with what
- Extreme anomaly, no vagina except distal part
2. Rokintansky Kuster Hauser Syndrome (Mullerian agenesis)= no uterus however Fallopian tubes present
Adenosis what and who
Vagina wal has islands of columnar cells in the normal squamous epithelium
= women exposed to DES in uterus
Gartners’s Duct Cyst
- From wolffian duct remnants (Mesonephric)
- 1cm-5cm on lateral wall of vagina
- Asymptomatic and no tx required
Imperforate hymen
Septa the
Imperforate hymen = no vaginal opening
Microperforate = small vaginal opening
Cribiform = several small vaginal opening
Septa the = septa vaginal opening
Urethral Diverticula
- What
- Can cause
- Tx
- Small 0.3-3.0cm sac like projections in anterior vagina along posterior urethra
- UTI, dysuria, urinary leakage
- Urethral dilation or excision (at urologist to avoid fistula formation)
Inclusion cyst
- From what
- Location
- Associated with
- Infolding of vaginal epithelium
- Posterior lateral wall on lower 1/3 vagina
- Gyno surgery or laceration from childbirth
Endometriosis characteristics of this
Can change in shape and pain with cycle
Bartholin’s cyst
- What is it and type
- Sx and size
- What you see
- What do you do with this pt
- Most common vulvovaginal tumor
- Less then 3cm, asymptomatic
- Unilateral swelling
- Biopsy to rule out Bartholin’s carcinoma if over 40yo
Bartholin’s Abscess
- SX
- From what
- TX
- Do what with this pt
- Painful**, inflammatory mass
- Blockage and accumulation of purulent material
- Word catheterization (leave in 4-6weeks to drain and glandular secretions = open up cyst and drain it
+ Marsupialization (creates a new ductal opening on vaginal wall for a new opening) - Biopsy to rule out Bartholin’s carcinoma
- Cystocele
- Rectocele
- Uterine prolapse
- Anterior vagina prolapse = bladder is pushing down on uterus and vagina (labia separate when standing)
- rectum pushed up pn uterus and vagina (push vagina to get stool out)
- Abnormal angle of vagina to uterus
= can happen from trauma or atrophy in elderly
Fistula are from what abs causes
- Radiation, ob injuries, surgery complication (can also happen from atrophy in elderly)
- Rectum and vagina connected, urethra and vagina connected,
Most vulvar vaginal malignant cancers are what and mean age and most common sx
SCC, 65yo postmenopausal , chronic vulvar pruritus
VIN 1 and VIN 3
VIN 1 = vulvar mild dysplasia lower epidermis
VIN 3 = vulvar SCC
VIN 3 usual type
Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia : carcinogen HPV 16, smoking and immunocompromised reasons it happens
VIN 3 differentiated type
Not associated with smoking of HPV, associated with dermatological conditions like Lichen Sclerosus
Elevated any color lesion , some are even warty
VIN 3 managements
- Surgical incision with 5mm margins
- Skinning vulvectomy (remove vulvar skin = rarely done
- Laser therapy (small lesions on clitoris, labia minora, perianal)
Paget’s disease
- Who
- What you should think of + do
- Sx
- Tx
- Postmenopausal white females (can also happen on nipples)
- Breast or colon carcinoma can also be present + do biopsy to see pagets cells
- Itching, tenderness, demarcated eczematoid fiery red with white plaque lesions
- Superficial excision 5-10mm margins to also exclude invasion
SCC vulvar carcinoma
- Sx
- Who
- Spreads where
- Vulvar lump, itchy, raised, ulcerated, pigmented, warty, labia majora
= do bx - Postmenopausal 70yo-80yo
- Urethra, anus, vagina, bone/lung/liver
VIN type 1
VIN type 2
(Age, cervical neoplasia association, preexisting lesion, cofactors)
VIN1 = high association, age + immune status + viral HPV, VIN preexisting lesion
VIN 2 = low association, vulvar atypia, lichen sclerosis + vulvar inflammation + Squamous cell hyperplasia preexisting lesions
SCC vulvar carcinoma
- TX
- 5 year Prognosis stage 1+ 2 ,3,4
- Radial vulvectomy + LADectomy, excise tumor, usually only remove same side LN if stage 1
- 1 + 2 = 60%-80%, 3 = 45%, 4 = 15%
Malignant Melanoma
- Who + location
- How common
- Tx and prognosis
- Postmenopausal white, labia minora and clitoris
- 2nd most common
3 excision wide, 30% compared to non genital melanomas
Verrucous carcinoma **
- Type
- Looks like and can be confused with
- TX
- Variant of SCC, usually no metastasis
- Cauliflower looking , can be confused with condyloma* from HVP*
- NO radiation = can induce anaplasitic transformation
Bartholin’s Glands Carcinoma
- Sx
- Who
- Tx
- Prognosis 5 year
1 painless vulvar mass (dark color)
- 40yo and over have bx of any gland mass to Exclude
- Radical vulvectomy + bilateral LADetomy + postop radiation
- 85%, recurrence is common
BCC of vulva looks like and tx
Rolled edge ulceration, roden like ulcer,
Local excision is fine (usually does not metastasize)
VAIN (preinvasive Disease of vagina = Vagina Intraepithelial Neoplsia)
- How and what
- SX
- TX
- HPV virus , usually associated with pts with past cervical or vulvar cancer
- Asymptomatic abnormal pap post hyperectomy, no cervical lesions + do Colposcopic directed vaginal biopsy
- Excision if lesion on vault, many lesions = laser tx or topical 5-fluorouracil , vaginectomy
Carcinoma of vagina
- Who
- Most common
- Sx
- Dx
- Over 60yo
- Bleeding, discharge, hematuria , ulcer, growths
- Punch bx
Carcinoma of vagina
- TX for upper and lower vagina
- Prognosis 5 years
Radiation and chemo
1. Upper = surgery + LADEctomy
LOWER = groin nodes removed if not excluded
2. 50%
Adenocarcioma of vagina 1 goes where 2 clear cell from what 3. Tx 4. Prognosis
- Cervix,, ovary, endometrium
2 DES - Hysterectomy, vaginectomy, radiation
- 80%
Malignant MElanoma of vagina
- Who
- Locations
- Prognosis
- 55yo
- Distal anterior wall vagina
- 5%-10%
Sarcoma Botryoides **
- Looks like + location
- Histo
- Who
- Tx
- Grape like polyps protruding from introitus
- Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
- 2yo-3yo
- Surgical resection, chemo, radiation
Vagina normal epithelium
- Ph of vagina and what keeps the vagina at that
- . things that disrupt vagina ph
- Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
- 3.8-4.2, Lactic acid, H2O2 made by lactobacilli, + protects against STIs,
- ABs, Douching, sex, foreign body tampon
How to test vaginal discharge *
Look at color, amount, texture
- Sample discharge at POSTERIOR FORNIX and put on Nitrazine paper
- Determines ph
- Then look at microscope (BV, Yeast, or Trichomonasis)
Most common vaginal infection
BV **
- Most common microorganism
- Risk
- Sx
- Dx how
- Tx
- Gardenerella Vaginalis
- Many sex partners, smoking, IUD, douching
- Asymptomatic, think milky discharge, fishy smell, esp after sex
- CLUE CELLS (saline wet mount), Amine odor (10% KOH + whiff test), Ph = over 4.5
- Metronidazole 500mg BID 7 days
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis **
- Most common organism
- Risks
- Sx
- Dx how
- Tx
2nd most common vaginal infection
1. Candida albicans
2. High E levels (OCP, preg) DM, ABs, steroids, immunosuppressed pts
3. Vulvar itchy burning irritated dyspareunia, little white clumpy cottage cheese discharge
4. 10% KOH wet prep + = budding yeast (psudohyphea), ph under 4.5
5. Diflucan 150mg 1 time
OR Imidazole (miconazole, teraconazole = topical applications)
Trichomonasis **
- Usually caused by
- Risks
- Sx
- Dx
- Tx
- Trichomonasis Vaginalis flagellated protozoan
- Unprotected sex
- Asymptomatic*, dyspareunia, vulvovaginal irritation, dysuria, GREEN-yellow frothy discharge
- Motile trichomonads (saline wet mount) + ph over 4.5 + STRAWBERRY cervix
- Metronidazole 2g single dose (test pt for STIs) + evaluate partners