Hurricane Katrina - Natural Hazards Case Study Flashcards
What year did Katrina Happen?
How many People Died?
What Was the damage to the education sector?
18 Schools destroyed, 73 closed down due to damages
Why was evacuation difficult?
1 in 4 live in poverty, therefore they don’t own cars for evacuation
How many people evacuated?
70% of people were evacuated
Where were people housed after the hurricane passed?
The Louisiana Superdome
How much did Katrina cost New Orleans?
$105 Billion
How many people lost their jobs?
Which industry was destroyed in the process?
30 Oil Platforms Collapsed
Which type of damage caused excess flooding?
The New Orleans Levees Burst
As a result of the oil platform damage, what happened?
26,000,000 litres of oil leaked
How many people were rescued by the coastguard
In the long term, how was the homeless crisis solved?
$16bn was spent on rehousing
What caused hurricane Katrina?
High Ocean Temperatures and Deep Atlantic Depressions