Humanistic & Constructivist Flashcards
Person-Centered Therapy was developed by _______ _________ and is also known as __________ ________ and ___________ ________
- Carl Rogers
- Client Centered Therapy
- Rogerian Therapy
Carl Rogers believed that people have an innate ___ __________ tendency that serves as a major source of _________
- Self Actualizing
- Motivation
According to Rogers, maladaptive behaviors occur when the self becomes__________ as the result of _________________________
and occurs when one experiences…
disorganized as the result of incongruence between self and experience
conditions of worth
According to Rogers, how does one attempt to alleviate anxiety?
through defense maneuvers of perceptual distortion and denial
The primary goal of Person Centered Therapy is…
to help the client achieve congruence between self and experience
In Person Centered Therapy, the “right environment” involves providing these three facilitative conditions
Unconditional Positive Regard (respect)
Genuineness (congruence)
Accurate Empathic Understanding
Unconditional Positive Regard involves these three aspects
genuine care
affirmation of the client’s worth
accept the client without judgment
Genuineness (Rogers)
therapist must be genuine, honest, and authentic
Accurate Empathic Understanding
therapists ability to see the world as the client does
According to Rogers, transference is…
Not a necessary component of person-centered therapy
Gestalt Therapy was founded by…
Fitz Perls
Gestalt therapy is based on the premise that…
everyone is capable of assuming responsibility for their own thoughts, feelings, and actions
Living as an integrated “whole”
Gestalt psychology focuses on…
perceptions (gestalts)
A person’s gestalts (perceptions) reflect their….
current needs
According to this theory, behavior can only be fully understood in its context
According to Perls (Gestalt), personality consists of these two aspects
the self and the self-image
in Gestalt therapy, the self is…
the creative aspect of personality that promotes tendency for self-actualization
In Gestalt Therapy, the self-image is…
the darker side of personality that hinders growth and self-actualization
According to Gestalt Therapy (Perls), neurotic (maladaptive) behavior is considered a _________ disorder that involves _____________________
a growth disorder that involves abandonment of self for the self-image.
result of lack of integration
Name the four major boundary disturbances in Gestalt therapy
(person accepts concepts in the environment without fully understanding them. Overly compliant)
(Disowning aspects of the self by assigning them to other people; can result in paranoia)
(Doing to oneself what one wants to do to others)
(Absence of boundary between self and environment, intolerant of differences, feelings of guilt and resentment)
Gestalt therapists view transference as ____________ and respond to it by helping the client….
and respond to it by helping the client recognize the difference between their transference fantasy and reality
Primary curative factor of Gestalt therapy is…
(full understanding of one’s self in the here and now)
Victor Frankl is a/an _______________ therapist
According to existentialists, maladaptive behavior is the result of…
an inability to cope with ultimate concerns of existence (i.e., death, meaninglessness)
What is existential anxiety?
A normal response to ultimate concerns and can serve as a source of motivation to grow
What is neurotic anxiety?
The result of an attempt to avoid existential anxiety
out of proportion to the situation that elicited it
outside of conscious awareness
The goal of existential therapy is to…
help clients live in more committed, self-aware, authentic, and meaningful ways
In existential therapy, therapists help clients recognize their ________________________ and accept __________________
recognize their freedom to choose their own destinies
accept responsibility for changing their own lives
What is the most important tool of existential therapy?
the therapist client relationship
In existential therapy, paradoxical intervention is used to…
reduce a client’s fears by having the client focus in an exaggerated, humorous way
Reality Therapy was founded by ____ _______ and is based on _____ theory.
- William Glasser
- Choice Theory
According to Glasser, people have these five basic innate needs
(Reality Therapy)
love and belonging
What is success identity in Reality therapy?
When one fulfills needs in a responsible way
(in a conscious and realistic manner that does not infringe on the rights of others)
What is failure identity in Reality Therapy?
inability to satisfy needs
underlies most mental and emotional illness
According to Glasser, mental illness is the result of…
one’s choices
Choice Theory
Reality therapy rejects this model…
medical model
Reality therapists view transference as…
detrimental to therapy progress
Reality therapy emphasizes…
current behaviors, conscious processes, and value judgments
In reality therapy, “total behavior” consists of…
thoughts, behaviors, emotions, and physiology.
primary emphasis is on thoughts and behaviors
Personal Construct Theory was founded by _____ ______ and focuses on _____________________________.
- George Kelly
- how the client experiences the world
According to Kelly, personal constructs are…
bipolar dimensions of meaning (happy/sad, competent/incompetent)
how one perceives, interprets, and predicts events
According to Kelly, mental illness is the result of…
inadequate personal constructs
In Personal Construct therapy, therapist and client are…
mutual experts and co-experimenters