Diversity/Cultural Models Flashcards
The use of the ___________ approach or the ___________ ___________ approach is recommended when working with African American clients, as well as those from other minority cultures
Give an example of this approach
ecostructural approach
ecological systemic approach
example: multisystems model
LaFramboise et al., recommends the use of _________ therapy for Native Americans
Network Therapy
(incorporates family and community members)
Native Americans regard illness as a result of ___________
When working with Asian clients, it is important to be aware of their ___________ and __________
country of origin
acculturation status
Asian clients view the therapist as
a knowledgable expert and authority figure
Asian clients expect therapists to give __________
concrete advice
Asian clients may express their mental health problems as…
somatic complaints
identifies with both cultures
Cultural competence involves these three competencies
awareness, knowledge, and skills
identifies with majority culture, distance from own
identifies only with own culture
identifies with neither culture
culture specific
universal (culture general)
Uncle Tom syndrome
happy go luck attitude
black americans do this to conceal negative emotions in order to protect themselves
cultural paranoia is a ________ response to racism and involves
not disclosing to a white therapist due to fear of being misunderstood
functional paranoia is an ___________, and it involves
unhealthy condition that is itself an illness
unwillingness to disclose to any therapist regardless of race due to general mistrust
Confluent paranoics are _______ in functional paranoia and ________ in cultural paranoia
Intercultural Nonparanoic Discolure is _______ in functional paranoia and ________ in cultural paranoia
Functional paranoics are _______ in functional paranoia and ________ in cultural paranoia
Cultural paranoics are _______ in functional paranoia and ________ in cultural paranoia
Atkinson/Morten/Sue’s Model is called…
the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model
What are the stages of the racial/cultural identity development model
(preference for dominant culture)
(contradictory appreciating and depreciating attitudes)
resistance and immersion
(reject dominating culture, accept own culture)
(uncertainty about rigidity of stage 3 beliefs)
integrative awareness
(self-fulfilment, multicultural perspective)
What is Cross’ Model called?
Black Racial Identity Development Model
What are the stages of Cross’ Black Racial Identity Development Model
(prefer a white therapist. adopted mainstream identity, anti-blackness)
(prefer same race therapist, greater cultural awareness, interest in developing a black identity)
(immersion - idealizes black culture, rage toward White people
emersion - strong emotions subside, rejects white culture)
(pro-black, non racist, bicultural)
What is Helms’ model called?
White Racial Identity Development Model
What are the statuses of the White Racial Identity Development Model
Contact Status
(little awareness of racism/racial identity)
Disintegration Status
(increasing awareness of race, leads to confusion and emotional conflict)
Reintegration Status
(idealizing White society, blame minority groups, “reverse discrimination” view)
Pseudo-Independence Status
(questions own racist views, interest in understanding other cultures)
Immersion-Emersion Status
(confronts own biases, understands racism/oppression)
Autonomy Status
(internalizes non-racist White identity)
What are the information processing strategies (IPS) for each status of the White Racial Identity Development Model
Contact Status
(obliviousness and denial)
Disintegration Status
(suppression of information and ambivalence)
Reintegration Status
(self-perception and negative out-group distortion)
Pseudo-Independence Status
(selective perception and reshaping)
Immersion-Emersion Status
(hypervigilance and reshaping)
Autonomy Status
(flexibility and complexity)
According to Helms, a parallel interaction occurs when…
the therapist and client have similar cultural identities
mutual respect but can lead to inertia (no change)
According to Helms, a progressive interaction occurs when…
the therapists racial identity development is more advanced than the client.
most effective in therapy
According to Helms, a regressive interaction occurs when…
the clients racial identity development is more advanced than the therapist
can lead to conflict/early termination
According to Helms, a crossed interaction occurs when…
the client and therapist have opposite attitudes toward race
highly confrontational
What is Troiden’s model called?
Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian) Identity Development Model
What are the stages of Troiden’s Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian) Identity Development Model?
Sensitization/Feeling Different
(middle childhood, feels different from peers)
Self-Recognition/Identity Confusion
(onset of puberty realizes attraction for same sex- leads to confusion)
Commitment/Identity Integration
(adopted homosexuality, publicly discloses sexuality)
What theory did Sophie develop?
General Stage Theory of Lesbian Identity Development
What are the stages of Sophie’s Theory of Lesbian Identity Development
First Awareness
Testing and Exploration
Identity Acceptance
Identity Integration