Family Therapies Flashcards
Two key concepts of Cybernetics
Positive and Negative Feedback Loops
Positive feedback loops…
amplifies deviation and disrupts the system
Negative feedback loops..
reduce deviation and helps maintain the status quo
A family is this type of system
This is the grandfather of family therapy
Nathan Ackerman
Gregory Bateson is known for his work involving…
double bind communication in the development of schizophrenia
double bind communication (conflicting negative injunctions)
In Communication/Interaction Family Therapy, all behavior is…
people are always communicating even when they’re doing nothing
In Communication/Interaction Family Therapy, all communication has these two functions
report function
(content, informational aspect of communication)
command function
(conveyed nonverbally)
In Communication/Interaction Family Therapy, communication is either _____________ or ____________.
(equality between communicators, can result in one-upmanship)
(inequality, maximizes differences; i.e., dominant + submissive communicators)
Communication/Interaction Family Therapists view symptoms as…
the cause and effect of dysfunctional communication patterns
The primary goal of Communication/Interaction Family Therapy is…
Alter patterns that are maintaining symptoms
Extended Family Systems Therapy was founded by…
Murray Bowen
In Extended Family Systems Therapy, differentiation of self refers to…
a persons ability to separate their intellectual and emotional functioning
In Extended Family Systems Therapy (Bowen), if someone has low differentiation…
they are at the mercy of their emotions and can become fused with the emotions of the family
the greater the chance of an emotional triangle
In Extended Family Systems Therapy, undifferentiated family ego mass is used to describe…
an emotionally fused family
In Extended Family Systems Therapy (Bowen), when a third person is recruited to increase stability and reduce tension, it is referred to as…
An emotional triangle
In Extended Family Systems Therapy (Bowen), the family projection process is…
when parental conflict and emotional immaturity are transmitted to children
causes lower differentiation in children
According to Bowen, behavioral disorders are the result of a…
multigenerational transmission process
(progressively lower levels of differentiation are passed down from generation to generation)
In Extended Family Systems Therapy (Bowen), the therapist is…
objective and neutral (does not become emotionally triangulated)
In Extended Family Systems Therapy (Bowen), how many family members are involved in therapy?
The therapist becomes the third, as long as not emotionally triangulated
In Extended Family Systems Therapy, therapy begins with…
assessment to identify family history
includes the construction of a genogram
In Extended Family Systems Therapy, sessions are…
Structural Family Therapy was developed by…
Structural Family Therapy (Minuchin) follows this type of approach…
here-and-now, directive, concrete
Power Hierarchies, Family Subsystems, and Boundaries are concepts in which type of family therapy?
Structural Family Therapy (Minuchin)
In Structural Family Therapy, rigid boundaries can lead to ___________ in families
Name the theorist
disengagement (isolation)
When boundaries are diffuse…
(Structural Family Therapy)
family members are enmeshed (overly dependent and close)
According to Minuchin, these are three chronic boundary problems
also known as Rigid Triads
(focus on child by overprotecting or blaming/scapegoating)
Stable Coalition
(one parent and child gang up on the other parent)
Triangulation (unstable coalition)
(parent demands the child to side with him/her)
In Structural Family Therapy (Minuchin), family dysfunction is the result of…
an inflexible family structure
Structural Family Therapy (Minuchin) Techniques
(therapist blends with the family; includes tracking and mimesis)
Evaluating the Family Structure
(construction of a family map to clarify interaction patterns)
Restructuring the Family
(deliberately disrupt homeostasis; enactment and reframing)
Mimesis (technique)
Structural Family Therapy
adopting the family’s affective and communication style
Strategic Family Therapy was developed by…
Jay Haley
Strategic Family Therapists (Haley) emphasize the role of ____________- in maladaptive behavior
Strategic Family Therapy (Haley) is concerned with how communication is used to…
exert control in a relationship
In Strategic Family Therapy (Haley), a symptom is a _____________ phenomenon
The goal of Strategic Family Therapy (Haley) is to…
alleviate symptoms by altering the family’s transactions and organization
The underlying assumption of Strategic Family Therapy is that behavior change results from…
changes in perceptions and emotions
Is Strategic Family Therapy (Haley) structured or unstructured?
Highly structured
In Strategic Family Therapy (Haley), therapists assume an ____________ role
active, take charge role
uses directives, instruction, assignments, paradoxical interventions
Milan Systemic Family Therapy was developed by…
The primary goal of Milan Systemic Family Therapy is…
help family members see their choices and to assist them in exercising their ability to choose
A distinguishing characteristic of Milan Systemic Family Therapy is its use of…
a therapeutic team
team members observe sessions behind a one way mirror
Behavioral Family Therapy involves principles of these theories
operant conditioning
social learning
social exchange
In Behavioral Family Therapy, maladaptive behavior is learned and maintained by its…
antecedents and consequences
Behavioral Family Therapists focus on…
observable behaviors, improving communication, problem solving skills
Object Relations Family Therapy states that maladaptive behavior is the result of…
intrapsychic and interpersonal factors
The primary goal of Object Relations Family Therapy is…
to resolve each family members attachment to family introjects
Multiple transferences is a concept in this type of family therapy…
Object Relations Family Therapy