Human Trafficking + Modern Day Slavery Flashcards
Define Modern Day Slavery
A person commits an offence if:
a) the person holds another person in slavery or servitude AND the the circumstances are such that the person knows or ought to know that the other person is held in slavery or servitude
b) the person requires another person to perform forced or compulsory labour AND the circumstances are such that the person knows or ought to know that the other person is being required to perform forced or compulsory labour.
What are the S45 Defences of Modern Day Slavery/Trafficking for victims that commit offences?
1 - The person is ages 18 or over when the person does the act which constitutes the offence
2 - The person does the act because they are compelled to do it
3 - The compulsion is an attribute to modern day slavery or exploitation
4 - A reasonable person in the same situation as the person and having the persons relevant characteristics would have no realistic alternative to doing the act
List the offences under Modern Day Slavery
Forced Labour
Human Trafficking
Explain Human Trafficking + Exploitation
Trafficking - Person arranges or facilitates the travel of another person with a view to them being exploited
Exploited - if one of more are included:
Forced Labour
Sexual Exploitation
Removal of organs
Securing services by force/threat/deception
Securing services from vulnerable people or children
Explain term Smuggled
The facilitation, transportation, or illegal entry of a person or persons across an international border in violation of one or more countries laws
Explain the term Human Trafficking
Trade in humans most commonly for purpose of sexual slavery, forced labour, exploitation, extraction of organs.
Explain the term Asylum Seeker
Person who leaves own country for safety often fear of persecution because of race, religion, social group, political opinion. Crosses border with hope of protection and asylum.
Explain the term Refugee
Person who was an asylum seeker but whos application to remain in country has been successful
Define Internal Trafficking
Recruiting vulnerable children and adults
Moving them to another place often another country
Using threats, force, or deception to make them to something against their will
Exploiting them to make money or provide services for their traffickers.
List signs and indicators of trafficking in adults
No personal ID, passport, documents
Lack of money, control over finances
Living/sleeping in place of work
Unsuitable clothing for work/weather
Limited contact with family
Others seeking to speak for the person you’re trying to engage
Living in degrading conditions
Unkempt dirty, tired
Signs of branding/ownership
Lack of access to medical care
List barriers to reporting trafficking
Lack of awareness of being victim
Unaware help is there
Language barrier
Controlled movements
Immigration status
Stockholm Syndrome
Self blame
Comparison of a situation to a worse one
List health impacts of trafficking, exploitation
Dizzy spells
Back pain
Memory issues
Forced or coerced use of drugs
Emotional manipulation
What are STPO’s + STRO’s?
Slavery and trafficking prevention orders and slavery trafficking risk orders. Orders to place restrictions on behaviour and activities of a person who poses a risk of committing slavery or trafficking offences.
List possible police actions in trafficking/slavery
DtN (Duty to Notify)
What is the NRM
Framework to identify and refer potential victims of modern slavery and ensure they receive appropriate support.
Adult must consent to referral. If not, submit DtN referral.
First responders include police, bawso, new pathways, salvation army, NCA
Outline the process of first NRM referral
- Identify victim
- Gather information
-Submit NRM
- Reasonable grounds decision made within x5 working days: from information received believed but not proved that individual is a potential victim of trafficking or slavery
-Grant reflection delay of 45 days if positive reasonable grounds decision is made
-Refer person to support service, accommodation, counselling, physical mental health support etc
- Conclusive grounds decision. If positive further support provided.
-Issue a residence permit
What should initial actions include when dealing with adult + children victimised by trafficking and slavery
Reassure safety
Keep multiple victims separate
Victim care - culture, language, religion, gender
Trauma informed
Needs led
Victim not left isolated
Safe + supported
Risk consideration