Human Sexuality Flashcards
What happens in the first stage of the menstrual cycle
Uterine lining is shed
Endocrine system
Giant communications system that carried chemical messages secreted by glands throughout the body
Where does fertilization occur
Fallopian tubes
United egg and sperm
5 days after fertilization
Embryo reaches uterus
Sphere of cells with hollow center
Blastocyst attaches itself to the wall of the uterus
What three structures in the uterus protect and nourish embryo and fetus
Amniotic sac
Umbilical cord
Function of umbilical cord
Carry nutrients from placenta to baby, embryos lifeline
Three stages of birth process
0-2 months- basic heart, blood vessels, kidneys, ears, eyes, arms, and legs
3-6- begins to move and kick, becomes sensitive to light and sound
7-9- body fat accumulates, blinks, body gets bigger
Length of time of each stage
3 months
Theoretical effectiveness
The effectiveness if every user used it 100% correctly
Actual user effectiveness
The real level of effectiveness that takes into account people that don’t use it completely correctly
How to barrier methods work
Prevent sperm from reaching the egg
What is the safe haven law?
Legally drop off baby within 30 days of birth, can take back within 60 days
Drop at any hospital, fire station, police station
Three phases of the cycle of violence
Building tension
Warning signs of dating violence
Tries to control where you go
Constantly checks up on you
Hits you
Which develops first, hands or feet?
smallest cell in human body
What percentage of all sperm survive
Combination pill
Daily pills
21 real, 7 placebo
Less than 1% will get pregnant
$8-50 a month
Mini pill (pop)
Daily pill
Contains progestin
Thickens cervical mucus
Shot (depo provera)
One shot every 3 months
Less than 1 out of 100 preg
Can stop period
$220-400 per year
3 week vagina ring, then remove to get period
Vaginal irritation
Change patch every week
Less than 1 put 100
Can become loose or fall off, less effective for overweight women
$50 per month
Good for 3 years Less than 1 out 100 Progestin: keeps ovaries from releasing eggs, thickens cervical music, prevent sperm reaching egg Few or no periods $550
Plan B one step
Morning after
Reduces risks by 75% when taken within 72 hours of sex
Keeps ovary from releasing eggs, stops egg from attaching to wall
No prescription needed
Male condom
2 of 100 perfect, 18 out 100 not Placed over penis, blocks sperm Latex, polyurethane, lamb skin More effective than girl $1.50-2.50 per box Provides std protection
Female condom
Fits loosely inside vagina
Less effective
Some std protection
80-90% effective Moistened with water, then inserted in vagina Covers cervix, blocks sperm Releases spermicide Difficult to insert $13-19
Reusable, lasts up to 2 years Fitted by physician A dome shaped rubber disc Can be inserted 6 hours before Left in 6-8 hours after Must be used with spermicide 6-16 out 100 $15-75
Cervical cap
Soft cup with round rim Fits around cervix Same as diaphragm, but smaller, size of a thimble 4-29 out 100 $15-50
4 out 100 perfect, 27 not
Not recommended
Doesn’t prevent STDs
Kill sperm
Inserte half hour before, left in for 6 hours
Not very effective by itself
15 perfect 29 not
Intrauterine device
Lasts 10-12 years Inserted into uterus $500-900 Most effective, less than 1 Recommended for teens
Non surgical steriliZation
Almost 100% effective
Micro inserts are put in Fallopian tubes, scar tissue grows to block tubes
Female tubal ligation
Fallopian tubes are cut tied and cauterized
Prevents egg from reaching uterus
2% have complications
Male vasectomy
Vas deferens are cut tier and cauterized
Ejaculate without sperm