Human Sexuality Flashcards
- clitoris to increase in size
- mucoid fluid to appear on
vaginal walls as lubrication. - vagina widens in diameter
and increases in length - nipples become erect
there is an increase in heart and respiratory rates and blood pressure
*penile erection occurs, as well as
scrotal thickening and elevation of
the testes.
▪ clitoris is drawn forward and
retracts under the clitoral
prepuce; the lower part of the
vagina becomes extremely
congested (formation of the
orgasmic platform), and
▪ there is increased nipple
▪ vasocongestion leads to distention
of the penis
▪ Heart rate increases to 100 to 175
beats per minute and respiratory
rate to approximately 40
respirations per minute.
▪ average number of
contractions for a woman is 8
to 15 contractions at intervals
of 1 every 0.8 seconds.
▪ muscle contractions surrounding
the seminal vessels and prostate
project semen into the proximal
urethra. These contractions are
followed immediately by three to
seven propulsive ejaculatory
contractions, occurring at the same
time interval
females do not go through this
refractory period, so it is
possible for women who are
interested and properly
stimulated to have additional
orgasms immediately after
the first
▪ a refractory period occurs during
which further orgasm is
5 major components of Human Sexuality
- Biological Sex
- Sexual Orientation
- Sexual identity
- Gender Identity
- Values, attitudes, feelings and emotions
Is a normal cyclic physiologic event signifying the reproductive
years in the human female. It is also defined as an episodic uterine bleeding in
response to cyclic hormonal changes or it is the shedding of the lining of the uterus
which include blood, some endometrial tissue, white blood cells and mucus.
The rhythmic preparation of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg and
the discharge of the uterine lining usually at monthly intervals when no fertilized egg enters the uterus
Menstrual cycle
Phases of Menstrual Cycle
Proliferative Phase
Progestational Phase (Secretory)
Regressive/premenstrual phase (Ischemic)
Menstrual phase
The shedding of the functional 2/3 of
the endometrium which is initiated by
periodic vasoconstriction of the spiral
arterioles most marked in the upper layers
of the endometrium.
Menstrual Phase
Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
The primodial follicle
Graafian follicle
Average age onset of menarche
12.4 years
Average age range of menarche
9-17 years
Average interval between cycles
28 days
Average duration of menstrual flow
4-6 days
Average amount of menstrual flow
30-80 ml per menstrual period
Saturating a pad or tampon in less than 1 hour is _________
heavy bleeding
Normal color of menstrual flow
Dark red; a combination of blood, mucus, and endometrial cells
Normal odor of menstruation
Similar to marigolds