Human Rights: Women’s Rights Case Study - India Flashcards
What is the difference in gender survival rates at birth in India?
Globally girls have higher survival rates but India is the only large country where more girls die than boys
How many women work in the formal work sector in India?
Only a quarter of women
What is the population of India?
1.44 billion, the highest population in the world
What is the GGGI (Global Gender Gap Index) and HDI (Human Development Index) of India?
GGGI of 0.668 and HDI of 0.647
How many child brides lived in India in 2019?
223 million
How many Indian women experience gender violence in their lifetime?
How many rape cases were registered by the police in 2017 in India?
33,658, 10.3% of all crime in India
What percentage of senior/managerial job positions are women?
What are five examples of global governance in India?
The gulabi gang, Oxfam India, the International Center for Research on Women, Indian acts of parliament and the Delhi police force