Glaciated Landscapes: Glacial Depositional Landform Types Flashcards
A ridge of till across a glacial trough that marks the maximum advance of the glacier snout
Terminal moraine
A ridge of till along the edge of a glacial valley
Lateral moraine
A series of ridges of till running across the glacial trough, and broadly parallel to the terminal moraine
Recessional moraines
Till ridges broadly parallel to the lateral moraine, formed by two tributary glaciers meeting
Medial moraine
Bulldozing of moraine caused by re-advancement of a glacier
Push moraine
Uneven till deposits between the main ridges of till
Ground moraine
A piece of rock composed of a different geology to the area it’s deposited in
A mound of glacial debris that forms an elongated streamlined hill
Formed by a large mass of unstratified drift being deposited when an ice sheet melts
Till sheets
Material on top of the ice
Supraglacial debris
Material within the ice
Englacial debris
Material below the ice
Subglacial material
All material deposited during glaciation
Material deposited by the ice
Material deposited by glacial meltwater
Outwash (also called fluvioglacial deposition)