Human rights and political intervention Flashcards
What are human rights?
Moral principles that underline standards of human behaviour which every person is inherently entitled to because they are human
What is meant by ‘Egalitarian’?
Believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights
Defne ‘geopolitical intervention’
When one or more country involves themselves in another’s political issues
Name six motives of geopolitical intervention
- Protect human rights
- Overthrow a corrupt political leader
- Gain authority or impose ideologies
- Provide aid
- Access resources or trade agreements
- Protect trade routes or encourage investment
What is a trade embargo? Positives and negatives?
- A trade ban used to force a country to change its politics
- Can ban military supplies/ weapons
- Hinders economic development
What is development aid? Positives and negatives?
- Financial aid given for long-term economic development
- UK made legally binding agreement to donate 0.7% of GNI to aid
- Not always used for intended purpose and may never be paid back
What is military aid? Positives and negatives?
- Donations of money, aid, military supplies and expertise to protect borders, terrorism and drug and people trafficking
- Donor countries spend up to 0.7% of GNI to support military forces
- ‘War on terror’ masked human rights abuses
What is military action? Positives and negatives?
- Direct: air strikes
- Indirect: assistance/ supplies
- Undermines national governments
Describe the abuse of human rights in Vietnam
- People approaching children in ethnic minorities for ‘vocational training’
- Slave labour, allowed to go the bathroom 8 minutes a day total, no wages in a small room with other children, beaten for doing it wrong
- 6am-midnight work
- Vietnamese mothers sell their infants
- Vietnamese girls sold to Chinese men for sex trafficking
Why is there legal confusing over the human rights abuses in Vietnam?
- Internal trafficking only recognised in 2011
- Law made in 2012 but with no guidelines on how to use it
- Internal traffickers not recognised as criminals and so are given administrative sanctions e.g. fine and factory closed down
Describe human rights violations for those working in Nike sweatshops in Indonesia
- Physical and mental abuse
- 10,000 mostly women labourers earn 50 cents an hour
- Fired for taking sick leave even with a doctor’s note
- Six females made to stand in the blazing sun for faily to meet demand
- Nike blames pre-existing contracts
What is the UN declaration of human rights? How does it promote human rights? What are the controversies?
- First international agreement of basic human rights following WW2 and translated in over 500 languages
- Framework for foreign policy statements to explain economic or military intervention
- Not legally binding and so hard to enforce, bias towards civil political liberties and not socio-political rights due to heavy Western influence
What is the European convention of human rights? How does it promote human rights? What are the controversies?
- Established court for 47 member countries and citizens to achieve greater unity
- Legally binding
- Undermines national sovereignty and takes a long time to make decisions
What is the Geneva convention? How does it promote human rights? What are the controversies?
- 4 treaties and 3 protocols to enforce international law in times of conflict , 196 member countries, legally binding
- Rights of POW, non-combatants and wounded soldiers
- Doesn’t address use of warfare, 82% of countries found to have breached rules
What is the 1998 UK Human Rights Act? How does it promote human rights? What are the controversies?
- 15 rights and freedoms to everyone in the UK
- Reduces time waiting for ECHR
- Failed to protect Emergency workers in Syria 2016
What does ATSI stand for?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
Close the gap initiative:
2005-2012: Life expectancy gap closed by (1) for men but only 0.1 for women
1998-2012: Circulatory disease decreased by (2)
(3): Death rates from avoidable causes three times greater
1998-2012: Infant mortality reduced (4)
1 - 0.8
2 - 45%
3 - 2008-2012
4 - 64%
What education issues are there in ATSI communities?
- 20% of those eligible not enrolled
- stolen generation left people suspicious of authorities
- 2015: 30% lacked basic literacy
- 2011: 54% achieved A-Level equivalent qualifications
Australia’s prime minister:
- 2016 motion for (1)
1. All people to be treated with (2)
2. (3) immigration policy
3. (4) ATSI
4. Maintain a (5) and open society
5. Denounce racial (6)
1 - Anti-racism 2 - Respect 3 - Non-discriminatory 4 - Reconcile 5 - Culturally diverse 6 - Intolerance
When did women get the right to vote in Australia
1902 - right to vote
1971 - ATSI women right to vote
1919 women’s right to (1) before Soviet invasion in (2)
1950s abolishment of gender (3)
1980s - Taliban women from education and (4)
Women can’t be seen by a male doctor but women aren’t allowed to work
1 - vote
2 - 1979
3 - separation
4 - leaving home without a chaperone
North Korea:
Full control of lives by (1) without freedom, (2)% die from no government help. 100% focus on government gain and (3). Geopolitically (4)
1 - government
2 - 10
3 - propoganda
4 - isolated
South Korea:
First free election in (1) and armed response to (2), higher income advancing (3) embracing (4) and second in Asia for (5)
1 - 1987 2 - protesters 3 - economy 4 - capitalism 5 - democracy/ freedom of speech
Define ‘sovereign wealth funds’
Government owned investment funds and banks typically associated with China and countries with a large revenue from oil e.g. Qatar
What are the six main IGOs involved in political intervention?
- Because there are so many major players, this has led to competition rather than co-operation which can hinder aid
- World Bank
- UN conference on trade and development
What are the two main groups of NGOs who are involved in geopolitical intervention?
- Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch/ primarily concerned with human rights
- Oxfam and Medicins Sans Frontiers/ focused on development and aid
Describe Amnesty International
Founded in 1961
Focus on exposure of human rights abuses
Provides global education on human rights
Describe Human Rights Watch
Founded in 1978
Monitors former Soviet Union’s compliance with Helsinki Accord to reduce Cold War tension by shaming non-compliant governments through media and policymakers
Describe Oxfam in terms of their geo-political intervention
Founded in 1942
Deal with hunger and starvation during WW2, main targets to provide development out of poverty, assist those affected by conflict and natural disasters and campaigns
Describe Medicins Sans Frontiers
Founded in 1971 in France for all people to have the right to medical care, today it provides medical care to over 70 countries and acts independent of economic, political and religious influence
Why do NGOs differ in opinion?
- Different (1) and countries concerned
- Perceived (2) for intervention e.g. a country is (3)x more likely to receive aid if they have large (4) reserves
- Opposing views of what is (5) or if intervention will worsen the situation
1 - Aims 2 - Reason 3 - 100 4 - Oil 5 - achievable
Why do NGOs differ in opinion?
- Regard of national (1)
- Dis/ agreements over if intervention is (2)
1 - sovereignty
2 - proportionate
Yemen 2011:
- Protest for (1)
- Saudi Arabia intervened on behalf of (2)
- UK provided (3) to Saudi Arabia
- Human Rights Watch, Oxfam and Amnesty International argue that the UK was wrong because (4)
1 - Resignation of the President
2 - Yemini government
3 - Military aid
4 - The weapons supplied to Saudi Arabia were used to destroy medical clinics and charity headquarters
How can intervention be supported despite national sovereignty?
‘Responsibility to protect’ principle
Where is Libya and what is it’s geopolitical position?
North Africa bordered by Mediterranean sea and the Sahara
10th largest oil reserve and important in Europe
Colonel Gaddafi:
- Independence from (1), seized power in 1969 and was unchallenged for (2) years
- Protests against the gov were (3) repressed so the UN enforced (4)
- Bombing raids in support of the civilians by (5) as well as arms (6)
1 - Italy 2 - 42 3 - brutally 4 - Responsibility to protect 5 - GB and France 6 - embargoes
Why did China, Brazil and India not support intervention in Libya?
- Insufficient evidence to support breaking sovereignty
- Real reason for intervention was regime change
- Intervention for human rights is inconsistent
Describe the Post-Gaddafi era
- Unstable/ many areas outside of Gov control
- Islamist and tribal militants control areas in civil conflicts
- Number 1 country for women’s share in legislation (1)%, no other country allows for women to have that much power, USA = (2)%
- 100 days genocide in (3) killing over (4)
- As a result the demographic was (5)% female
1 - 64 2 - 19 3 - 1994 4 - 800,000 5 - 60-70
- Common belief that feminism is (1)
- Majority of women suffer from (2)
- 2011 Gini Coefficient was (3) with high inequality and low purchasing power
- Average GDP for a British soldier is £3,700 but in Rwanda it is (4)
1 - a Western ideology
2 - domestic and sexual abuse
3 - 0.53
4 - $41
- Only men can inherit (1) and most of GDP comes from (2) so for women to benefit they must marry
- Many drop out of school for their requirement to get married
1 - land
2 - agriculture