Human Resources Questions 8 Flashcards
What your retired (non SWA) airline pilot father thought about SWA. Also, “What does your Dad say about where to go to work, everybody’s hiring…”
pay and benefits
job security
base and commutable bases
Has anyone ever taken the controls from you?
part 121 no.
After receiving commercial no.
i was warned but not o the extend to take the controls away
If you had a red button that could take you to the past to change something, would you push it?
No. Every part of my life I am glad that I lived it and I learnt.
Tell me about a time you were assertive as a First Officer.
Not allowing boarding. No captain assigned yet.
Gate agent was mad
When was the last time you made someone smile?
Today, at the hotel
When was your last missed approach?
2 months ago
If your job required you to be a bicycle, what part would you be?
Have you assisted at any of our events?
How do you think you have developed as a leader?
Leader is a role model
Good Communicator. TWo Was Communicator
takes responsibility
If you had to do your career over again, what would you do different?
I would start Aviation journey a little earlier
What would you do if your captain was 25 kts fast on final and responded with “I got it” upon inquiry?
(2) Call go around, if he didn’t, call ATC and tell them we are going around
How would you feel about flying with a Captain who has half the experience you have?
(1) No problem, I have done so in the past and in my current position.
Tell me about a time you had to discuss a problem with upper management, how did they react?
Part 61 talking about
What would other pilots think if they saw your name on their schedule?
Based on what they told me.
Pro-fun to fly with- stegnant
What would you do as the Captain if a PAX was playing a bluetooth speaker very loud in the back ?
I would talked to the passenger politely to turn it down.
Do you have any questions for us?
Hired or not. when can i hear response?
Can you provide 2,3 and 5 year totals in your logbook?
Sure. Can I pull up my logbook
Do you have other applications out?
No, I want to be at skoutwest.
How did you prepare for this interview?
research, nuts, pilots, aviation interviews
Would being away for training for two months be an issue?
not at all.
How long ago did you apply?
6 times.
Are you having fun?
(0) Actually yes I am!
Watching a movie and seeing the place.
How did you do your calculations for your logbook?
Why don’t you want to stay at your wholly owned and flow?
final step. Schedules. chance of lossing atl as base
What is your greatest weakness? If I called a co-worker, what would he/she say that you need to improve.
multiple checks
trust but verify
Training can be long and difficult. What would you do
mindset. As soon as I hear I am in, I wwant to start working on the systems of 737
How would getting hired at Southwest change your life?
relief of working on change
Pressured to fight weather?
Not really being pressures to the extend.
When I was flight instrtor, i would be ok If I have plan B