What is flexible hours
the employee chooses when to start and end work within the agreed limits but works certain core hours
part time contract
someone who works less than 35 hours per week
zero hour contract
when an employee has to be availiable for work but is not guaranteed work
multi skilling
involves business training their workforce to be able to work effectively across a wide range of tasks
work force planning
is the process of determining the labour needs of the company now and in the future including the number of workers and skills
recruitment process
job analysis job description person specification job advert shortlisting interview
job analysis
collecting information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes and work environment of a particular job
job description
lists the specific duties the employee will be required to carry out as part of their job
person specification
lists the qualifications skills experience and personal attributes needed by the person who will be selected for the job
selection methods
ways of deciding which of the applicants should be given the job e.g interviews work trials testing selection exercises and telphone interviews and video
internal recruitment
filling a vacancy by employing someone who already works for the business e.g promotion or lateral movement
external recruitment
filling a vacancy by employing someone outside the business
induction training
training an employee receives when they first join the business or organisation it enables new recruits to become productive as quickly as possible it includes health and safety training
on the job training
this is learning by doing. an employee is shown or taught how to complete tasks by a more experienced worker. This takes place in the workforce
off the job training
employees attends college to study for qualifications or through the use of in house courses structured directly for the needs of the business this takes place outside the employees normal work environment