Human Resources Flashcards
One practical reason the administrator must rely more and more on the expertise of department heads is
Requirements are too numerous for one person to remember
One overarching consideration in deciding at what level, threat is, the number of nursing hours per patient day, to staff the facility is
Medical complexity of care given
The one person most responsible for resident rights in the nursing facility is the
Quality assessments and control, infection control, and physical plant health and safety are
Federally required committees and/or functions
Generally, the percentage of nursing facilities with deficiencies for resident rights in 2015 was
Less than 3
In the typical nursing facility of 100 patients, the administrator normally has ___ reporting to him/her
Eight or nine department heads
Larger facilities (200 or more patients) might consider the appointment of perhaps ___ middle level managers to whom tow or more department heads may report
Half a dozen
Activities such as ensuring quality of care for all residents, advocating for all residents, and developing and managing the budget are normally associated most closely with the
Administrators office
In 2015 US nursing facilities achieved ___ compliance with physician services
98% or more
Activities such as empowering department heads, setting the tone, and settling territorial disputes are normally associated most closely with the
Administrators office
The rate of compliance with dental requirements in US facilities in 2015 was
Federal, congressionally written requirements for the roe(s) the medical director may/must play are
Brief and vabue
When attending physicians fail to visit their patients on a timely basis, the medical director
Often substitutes and accomplishes the required physician services
In most nursing facilities of 100-200 beds, there is ___ medical staff
Usually no organized
Pharmacy services in US nursing facilities in 2015 were about 98% in compliance with the exception of
Procedures and storage
One of the main advantages of a closed medical staff is that
One of the staff can be on call all the time
Facility compliance with laboratory services requirements in 2015 was
Nearly 100%
Closed medical staffs are more likely in___ facilities that serve a large ___ patient population
Dental care is often a neglected area of care in nursing facilities because dentists
Are typically reimbursed approximately half the office fee
Dental care is also often a neglected area of care in nursing facilities because dentists
Are often insecure about functioning outside their office with complex cases
Total RN and LPN hours per patient day in US nursing facilities during 1993 to 2015
Rose perceptibly and then decreased slightly
Successful solutions to oral care in the facility will likely be linked to
Retaining a dental director at perhaps $5-$8 per patient per month
There is need in most nursing facilities for a ___ who will make rounds, see patients on a monthly basis, and train nursing staff to observe and meet patients’ oral needs
Dental hygenists
One practical solution to attaining a satisfactory level of oral care for nursing facility patients is to
Train oral care aides ( a regularly employed nurse’s aide)
A podiatrist is an important component of foot care in the nursing facility because
Diabetics need podiatrists for safe toenail clipping
Ensuring all medications are available as ordered, that all reorders and stop orders are implemented, and reviewing each patients medications monthly falls to the
Consulting pharmacist
Observing medication passes and recording and reporting drug error rates falls to the
Consulting pharmacist
A facility of 120 patients with eight new admissions per month might ___ physical therapy services
Contract for
A facility of 120 patients with 30 to 40 new admissions each month would likely ___ physical therapy services
Offer in-house
One way some facilities have bridged the gap between formal physical therapy given and the ‘habilitative’ care given daily by the nursing staff is to
Establish a restorative nursing program led by a nurse
Increasingly facilities needing xrays are
Using mobile xray services
In the nursing facility, implanted ports, midline catheters, central line catheters and epidural lines are part of
Subacute care
For nursing to achieve its tasks
Nearly every department must cooperate
Keeping medical records must be assigned to
A full time employee
The major difference between the challenge faced by the nursing home dietary director compared with the hospital dietary director is
Diets over an extended period of time
During the years 1993 to 2006 the major area in dietary services that needed improvements in the view of the inspectors was
Sanitary conditions
A particular patient care related concern the administrator should address when evaluating the social workers sand activities directors work is
Whether less responsive patients are receiving attention
Deficiencies for housekeeping appear to be
Varying over time
The personnel for whom the personnel director has line responsibility is
Personnel department staff
In practice most of the actual hiring in nursing facilities is done by the
Department managers
In the typical facility of 100 patients there is/are ___ full time personnel directors
The process of defining a job in terms of tasks or behaviors required and specifying the qualifications is performing a
Job analysis
Informing about the job that results in a statement of the job to be done including a list of duties, title, and qualifications is a job
That which distinguishes one job from all others is the job
A coordinated and aggregate series of work elements used to produce an output for example making a bed is known as a
The administrator asks the financial manager to identify competition for personnel, estimate in migration or out migration of workers and look at wage scales in the area. the administrator wants
A person power inventory
The authority of government agencies to review facilities recruitment sources advertising and statistics on the number of applicants, and persons hired by category stems from
The Civil Rights Act
The geographical scope of a search for applicants for a nursing assistant or housekeeping job is likely to be limited to
Commuting distance
Present employees career ladder job posting and job bidding are
Good recruiting sources
Career ladders are paths along with the employee
Can hope to progress
Posting a job opening on the facility bulletin board is
Generally a good practicie
Use of a search firm would be more appropriate for hiring a
New administrator
Recruitment is the process of ___ prospective staff
Personnel selection is the process of
Deciding which applicant best fits the job requirements
Prohibiting the discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin the basis of the
Civil Rights Act
The Civil Rights Act Title 7 and the Equal Employment Act of 1972 apply to employers of ___ or more employees
The employer interview 90 Black applicants and 30 White applicants, then hires 30 White and 30 Black applicants. If applicants were hired in these proportions over time the facility would likely experience
Adverse impact
The staff development coordinator sent a candidate to five different departments heads who used the newly developed application form an obtained the same score results. The staff development coordinator an reasonably feel that the application from has
Reasonably reliability
The staff development coordinator asks several of the department heads if the application form the coordinator has development is helping them match candidates with job descriptions. The coordinators is wondering if the instrument has
Content validity
The staff development coordinator has found an instrument that measures a trait believed important to jobs in nursing facilities. The staff development coordinator believes this instrument has
Construct validity
The director of nursing asks a job applicant’s age and religious affiliation. This is
After hiring an applicant, the staff development coordinator demands that the new hire bring in a photograph or allow one to be made at the facility. This is
The director of nursing asks whether an applicant nurse is willing to work on Easter. This is
The director of nursing asks the nurse candidate how much alcohol she consumes per week. This is
The DON asks the applicant whether he has ever been treated for drug problems. This is
The DON asks the treatment nurse applicant a predetermined and set array of questions. The DON is using a/an ___ interview approach
A DON asking a nurse supervisor applicant “what actions have you taken if you disagreed with a supervisors decision?’ Is
Research results suggest that interview for job applicants may be better for explaining
Why a person would not be a good candidtate
When asked an applicant reveals that she has been convicted in an area relevant to the job being sought. The director of nursing
Credit reports on job applicants
Require the applicant’s permission
A good risk management related reason for requiring a physical examination before any new employee begins work is to
Provide a baseline against which to assess later exams or claims
If the physician determines that the new employee cannot perform essential functions of the position accepted due to a disability covered under the Americans With Disabilities Act, the facility
Must make a reasonable accomodation
In most nursing facilities, the final decision to hire a job applicant is made by the
Department head
Thirty years ago, successful caring for the frail elderly int eh facility often depended less on technical knowledge than compassion for others. Today successful caring for the frail elderly in the facility increasingly depends on
Both technical knowledge and compassion
Nursing and nursing assistants who have drive and enthusiasm for caring for the patient
Can be taught technical skills they lack
Applicants who lack fire in their hearts or passion for their work are
Are not so easily taught there attributes
The hiring decision itself
Is complex
The first day on the job
Leaves a lasting impression
Official welcome, introduction to staff, and a tour of the facility are activities best associated with the
First day on the job
Valuable tax credits can be achieved if the facility ensures that employees comply with the
Targeted Jobs Tax Credit Program
A compilation of facility policies that directly relate to work conditions is
The employee handbook
Employers who have entered clear disclaimers in the employee handbook have ___ successful employee suits in court alleging the handbook to be a binding contract
Not prevented
When the staff development coordinator reviews job descriptions and the activities essential for performing each job, the coordinator is performing a
Task analysis
Employee education offered throughout the work career of the employee, often of a mandatory nature, is typically referred to as
Inservice training
One way to improve evaluation of training efforts is to state learning objectives
As behavioral objectives
Social approval, self esteem, security, and use of power are exampels
What employees seek from the facility
Generally, if the community or significant others disapprove of the employee working at a facility , the employee
Will not have positive feelings about working at the facility
Being part of a facility that has a sense of purpose to which an employee can dedicate energy with pride enhances an employee’s
Self esteem
Employees who are enjoying a high level of job satisfaction are more likely to
Provide a high level of patient care
Employees want to work for an employer who
Stimulates their dreams and aspirations
Among the following, the most important needs of the staff from the administration is to
Take a personal interest in them
Every day, administrators in more than 16,000 nursing facilities make personnel decisions based on
Their assumptions of what motivates the staff
The assumptions that employees naturally dislike work, prefer to receive extensive direction from superiors, and work to avoid responsibility characterize the
Theory X phiosophy
Managers who believe that using energy to work is as natural as using energy to play or rest, that individuals can exercise self direction, and that individuals seek and accept responsibility accept the approach characterized as teh
Theory Y philosophy
A test often used by facility personnel staff that has 1000 questions asking respondents how they feel or act in a variety of situations, then place respondents into categorized of introverted or extroverted, sensing or intuitive, thinking or feeling, and perceiving or judging is the
Myer-Briggs Type Indicator
Persons characterized as systematic, thorough, and balanced and who ask detailed questions about each situation are characterized as
Left brained
Persons characterized as more intuitive, quick, and less complex in their approach to decision making are characterized as
Right brained
One safer generalization about employee motives is that
They are always mied
Some motives/needs may recede when satisfied, for example, hunger or thirst; other motives such as the need for power
May become more intensified when partially achieved
The process of giving employees increased roles in the decision making processes of the facility is sometimes called
Job enrichement
In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs concept, it is ___ to meet lower needs before higher needs become salient
Employees who are hard driving and achievement oriented and who strive constantly to achieve higher levels are characterized as
Type A
Persons who have only moderate achievement needs are less competitive and more satisfied with moderation whether in sports, titles, or on the job productivity are characterized as
Type B
In the nursing facility setting, ___persons are required to be either certified or licensed
Nearly all
When a patient wanders away, walks away, runs away, escapes, or otherwise leaves a caregiving facility or environment unsupervised, unnoticed, and/or before the scheduled discharge, the patient has
A charge nurse being encouraged to become a nurse practitioner and a nurses’ aide being supported to seek to become a licensed practical nurse are examples of. a facility commitment to provide employees
A career path
Pain is
What the patient says it is
The most reliable indicator of pain is
The resident self report
Employees prefer to work in a facility in which mistakes
Are expected
The medication nurse who burst into the director of nursings office and bemoans making a 20@ error rate on her last attempt to pass medications has
Set the stage for communication and improvement
The idea that when reward follows performance, performance improves and that when rewards do not follow performance, performance deteriorates is known as
Reinforcement theory
The reduction in degrees of freedom in decision making brought about by well developed policies is
A potential downside of having good policies
Department heads who conform are defensive, produce detailed, substantiation of unimportant problems, and give invalid information illustrate
Argyris’s belief that organizations tend to treat employees as immature
The idea of treating each employee as a member of the team is
An effort to combat powerlessness to give employees ownership
A director of nursing who consults aides about whether they are prepared to receive a new admission and acts on the aides decision is an attempt to
Give ownership to the aides and treat them as a business person
One of the major tasks of the administrator is to
Create and enforce opportunities for staff to feel in control
High patient care depends in part, on whether the administrator is able to
Enable the employees to ‘buy’ into the facility
‘It’ll never work’ ‘we’ve tried that 20 times already’ ‘yes, but…’ are common responses to new suggestions known as
Fore hoses
Somatic, visceral, and bone are
Categories of pain
Abuse, neglect, superficial/substantial injuries of unknown source, misappropriated property
Must be reported to authorities
A good rule of thumb in the treatment of pain is to
Ue lowest effective does
The are those, such as Deming who argue that being the member of a productive team affords the facility managers sufficient evaluation and control over employees performance. One potential problem with this is that
Organizations memories are short
Job performance evaluation is intended to be a function of comparing and controlling personnel
Performance quality
The absence of any written system for evaluation of long-term performance exposes the individual more nearly to
The whim of mangers
Employees it has ben observed normally
Do not outperform their self image
An evaluator checking off the extent to which an employee meets a trait or requirement is using a/an
Rating scale
Department heads who consistently give high ratings to avoid conflict illustrate the
Leniency error
The supervisor is impressed by the fact that the employee never missed a day and was never late, so rated the employee highly overall. This is a/an
Halo effect
Transfer, promotion, demotion, and layoff are possible outcomes of
A performance appraisal
Workers expecting an exchange in which their wages and benefits are equal to their work effort when compared with similarly situated employees illustrate the
Equity theory
Giving an across the board wage increase based on the Consumer Price Index is giving a/an
Cost of living increase
In the nursing facility, the key job against which many staff measure their wages in compensation of the
Unless the facility can convincingly illustrate that it had a ‘just cause’ for firing an employee that employee will likely
Collect unemployment
Grievance procedures offer a needed
Safety valve
With the ultrasound stethoscope the nursing facility nurse will be providing ___like monitoring in the nursing facility setting
Intensive Care Unit
Lean body mass and bone mineral contents usually ___ with age
A decrease in intestinal motility characteristically accompanies
Succeeding in caregiving includes commuting the facility care efforts to both the resident and the ___ surrounding each resident
Suport networkds
An increasing amount of valuable personnel information can be obtained through using smart
ID badges