Human Resources Flashcards
the business office
keeps financial records; manages accounts receivable, accounts payable; maintains vendor files; assists in monitoring the budget; prepares the payroll; keeps required records, makes financial reports; deals with third party payers, Medicare, Medicaid and others; safeguards and controls resident funds; and often acts as a receptionist, answers the telephone
the process of locating prospective staff
posting a job that becomes available
literally posted on appropriate bulletin boards, and employees are encouraged to bid or apply
Minimum Data Set (MDS) coordinator role
central both to the quality of care in the nursing facility and the reimbursements received by nursing facilities
type B personality types
are characterized as having only moderate achievement needs, as less competitive and more satisfied with moderation, whether in sports, titles, or on-the-job productivity
role of human resources manager and staff
to assist the line supervisors, e.g., the department heads in the nursing facility, to carry out human resources responsibilities according to policies set by facility ownership
type A personality types
are characterized as hard-driving, achievement-oriented people who strive to succeed to the highest level whatever the area of activity, whether in sports, job titles, or on-the-job productivity
expectancy theory
holds that the level of motivation to perform (make an effort at work) is a mathematical function of the expectation individuals have about future outcomes multiplied by the value the employee places on these outcomes
job analysis
the process of grouping a series of related tasks into a position and specifying the qualifications of the employee to be placed in that job
the CIvil Rights Act of 1964
prohibits discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test
most widely known test used to evaluate applicants and/or employees
a consulting pharmacist
is responsible for reviewing the drug regimen including observing medication passes and recording and reporting drug error rates and any other problems observed
human resources function
record keeping; recruitment; selection; training and retaining employees; compensation management; performance evaluation; labor relations; health and safety
three basic objectives of performance evaluation
(a) to give employees feedback about their work performance; (b) to provide a basis (plan) for directing future employee efforts toward organizational goals; (c) to provide a basis on which managers will decide on promotions, compensation, and future job assignments
personnel selection
the process of deciding which of the applicants best fits the requirements of the job for which they are being considered
placement of an employee at a higher level within the facility or group of facilities
construct validity
the extent to which a selection tool measures a trait or behavior perceived as important to functioning in a job is construct validity
job family
a group of two or more jobs that have similar duties, e.g., the duties of the registered nurse and licensed nurse practitioners
Closed Medical Staff
only physicians who have been approved by the organized medical staff of the facility may admit or treat its patients
The Error of Central Tendency
supervisors consistently give only moderate scores to employees regardless of whether their performance is poor or outstanding
career ladders
paths along which the employee can hope to progress
according to reinforcement theory
behaviors depend on reward
salaried workers
are paid a set wage regardless of hours worked which may or may not be required to be recorded on a time clock
equity theory
employees seek an exchange in which their wages and benefits are equal to their work effort, especially when compared to wages and benefits paid to similarly situated co-workers
job description
information about the job that results in a statement of the job to be done, usually a list of duties and responsibilities in order of importance
content validity
the degree to which a test, interview procedure, or other selection tool measures the skills, knowledge or performance requirements actually needed to fill the position for which the applicant is applying
in Maslow’s hierarchy of need concept
he theorizes that needs become salient, i.e., powerfully motivating, at each successively higher level mainly after the needs at each lower level are satisfactorily met
The Leniency Error
to avoid conflict, some supervisors give consistently high ratings
assistant administrator
has line authority to represent the administrator, can make decisions on his/her behalf, and is usually assigned some area to oversee
the goal of Total Quality Management is
that human resources in every unit arrive at a level of daily performance reflecting a passion for quality
the process of taking a manpower inventory
numerous factors that must be taken into account in projecting the present and future availability of qualified personnel in sufficient number
halo effect
occurs when a supervisor who values one particular type of job behavior, punctuality, for example, permits the presence or absence of this one trait to color several or most other traits ratings
hygiene factors
those such as salary, company policies, basic working conditions
Open Medical Staff
is to allow any physician licensed to practice in the state to admit residents to the facility and to provide their medical care while they reside there
the five essential activities of daily living are
Eating, Dressing, Toileting, Bathing, Transferring
an administrative assistant
has no line authority, cannot make decisions for the facility, and does not represent the administrator except in an information gathering, or processing manner
a group of positions which are similar in their duties, e.g., laundry, housekeeping and grounds
when a nursing home is “Edenized.” it means
it has birds, cats, dogs, fish, rabbits, chickens, children, plants and gardens to walk in
theory Y personality type
believe that the employee naturally dislikes work, prefers to receive extensive direction from superiors, wishes to avoid taking responsibilities in the organization
job specification
a statement of the skills, education, and experience required to perform the work; this is derived from the job description
the responsibilities and duties performed by one individual. There are as many positions as there are employees
the wage mix (how much to pay)
the labor market; prevailing wage rates; cost of living increases; ability to pay; collective bargaining; individual bargaining; value of the job
the labor market
the geographic area from which applicants are to be recruited
the Equal Employment Act of 1972
an amendment to Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and is intended to cover all employers of 15 or more persons and numerous other groups, such as educational institutions
inter-rater reliability
reliability of the tests, interviews, and other tools used in selecting among applicants refers to the consistency with which the same results are obtained over a period of time and when used by different testers
wage earner or hourly employees
generally are required to punch in and out on a time clock and are paid only for hours worked as verified on the time card
the administrator is responsible for
assuring that all work is accomplished according to policy at an acceptable level of quality
on the job training
conducted by a staff member assigned to assist a new or continuing employee to acquire the abilities needed in a position in the facility
inservice training
refers to employee education offered throughout the work career of the employees
a coordinated and aggregated series of work elements used to produce an output (e.g., making beds)
job titles (or job classifications)
that which distinguishes one job from all others
reinforcement theory
the outcome reinforces the employee’s response either positively, leading to repeating the response, or negatively, leading to reduction of its use