Finance and Business Flashcards
Percent Occupancy
average daily census / number of beds
costs per patient day =
costs in month / total patient days in month
FTEs x 1.4 =
number of line staff positions if you want to know how many nursing assistant positions,, for example, you can have 7 days/week
Notes to Financial Statements
are included to explain the accountant’s interpretation or calculation of figures, or variation in the books due to a change in their organization, which may not be readily understood by those reviewing the financial statements
a credit in accounting refers to
the right side of the journal account
entity concept
a basic concept of accounting, under which the nursing facility is regarded as a whole, entirely separate from the affairs of the owners, managers, or other employees
the income statement
shows whether revenues were sufficient to cover expenses, whether the facility made or lost money during the time period
Average Daily Census (ADC) equals
total patient days / days in the month
appropriate rates for resident care services
must reflect their true full costs
role of the general journal
records transactions that do not properly fit into any of the other journals
are the obligations of the facility
accelerated depreciation
this method attributes most of the depreciation expense to the first years of the asset’s life, thus enabling the facility to write it off more quickly, thereby gaining a tax advantage through earlier tax recognition of the investment
accrual accounting approach
under the accrual system of accounting, revenues are recorded when they are earned and expenses when they are incurred, regardless of the time the cash transactions take place
perpetual inventory system
recommended to maintain a precise count of inventory on hand, that is, an accurate count of supplies used and those remaining in the storeroom
Cash Receipts Journal
records all cash received for services provided; e.g. sales refreshment machines
Billings Journal
lists all bills send for services rendered
Accounts Payable Journal (purchase journal)
records all purchases made that will be paid within the next few months
Cash Disbursements Journal
records all payments made for services and supplies used for resident care and for all other operations of the facility
Payroll Journal
summarizes all payroll checks distributed during the pay period
General Journal
a record of non-repetitive entries
the basic accounting equation
Assets = (Liabilities + Owner’s Equity) + (Revenues - Expenses)
objective evidence concept
requires accounting records to be prepared with documentable records that are kept by the facility
the net operating margin
the proportion of revenues earned to the amount of expenses used to earn those revenues
to account for the effects of inflation or deflation on the price of inventory, the GAAP recognizes two types of inventory costing
last in, first out (LIFO); first in, first out (FIFO)
cash accounting approach
expenses are recorded when the cash is actually dispersed and revenues are counted when the money from, for example, resident services are received by the facility
uses the information compiled by the bookkeeper to generate reports on the financial standing of the facility. The bookkeepers and accountants record the financial transactions of the facility.
five main groups of the chart of accounts
assets, liabilities, capital, revenues, expenses, fund account
things owned by the facility
things owed by the facility; or it’s obligations
money invested in the facility; also known as the facility’s net worth
earnings from operations or other sources
costs of salaries, supplies, etc. that have been used up; usually through the provision of services
fund account
any funds that have been established for restricted or unrestricted use
turnover rate in percent is =
(number of employees terminated X 100) / total number of full time employees
non-current assets
refers to assets that will not be liquidated within the year