Human Resource Terminology Flashcards
Acquire Project Team
The process of determining the availability of human resources and amassing the team needed to complete the project
A role with a negative attitude toward the project
Attitude Power
A type of power that can involve using a middle person to negotiate for the project manager
A role that interrupts information flow on the project
A role that helps focus on making sure people on the project understand what the details of the project entail
Coercive/Penalty Power
A type of power that uses negative approaches including threatening and punishment to get people to do things they don’t want to do
Commitment Power
A type of power that uses commitment via alliances and partnerships on the project team to tackle challenges to the project as they arise; has a potential connection with referent power
Competition Power
A type of power that maximizes involvement in the project or idea in the form of competition to help enhance the commitment of those involved to work toward a more successful outcome of the project or idea
A conflict resolution technique in which a solution involves (typically) a little of what everyone is proposing for a solution
Directly dealing with a conflict via problem-solving techniques so that the parties can work through any disagreement
Develop HR Plan
The process of developing the human resource plan
Develop Project Team
The process of improving the project management team to optimize project performance
Devil’s Advocate
A role that contradicts popular views or opinions about the work of the project
A role that consumes project communication and focus with their own views without considering others
Empathetic Listening
Listening with the goal of understanding what the sender is trying to communicate
A role that helps the project and team by focusing on what the project is creating, not the challenges of the project
Expert Power
A capacity in which one uses personal knowledge and expert opinion to get others to do what is desired
Applying an all or nothing (win/lose) to get the desired result
Gate Keepers
In project management, a role that helps bring people into the project- In business school, this term could be viewed differently, including a role that keeps people out of something .
A role that helps evolve information and understanding on the project above the team members
Hierarchy of Needs
A pyramid representation of Maslow’s Theory that a person’s motivation is based on needs (and where the person fits in this pyramid)
Human Resource Plan
A plan that documents roles and responsibilities, reporting relationships and staffing management for the project. It is part of the project management plan
Information Givers
A role that shares information and thus helps enhance communication on the project
Information Seekers
A role that works to enhance information and knowledge associated with the project
Investment Power
A type of power that involves delaying key decision(s) so enough time passes that stakeholders or other such parties can make a significant time investment in the project
Knowledge of Needs Power
A type of power that attempts to realize the two things that are negotiated for: what the other
party says they are after, and what they are after that hasn’t been made public
Legitimate Power
Getting people to do what you desire based on your authority
Manage Project Team
The process of managing team member performance, issues, and changes
Matching behavior characteristics of another person or group
Moral or Ethical Power
A type of power that uses a moral or ethical perspective tied to one’s values in the negotiation process
Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) (Tool)
An organization chart that displays which group is responsible for each work item and can show reporting relationships as well
Organizational Planning
Determining, assigning, and documenting responsibilities, roles, and reporting relationships on a project
A situation in which a resource is applied to too many activities at the same time to accomplish them all within the acceptable timeframe
Persistence Power
Sticking to the target of the negotiations or project; involves holding on and working toward the target- In many cases, people simply give up after an initial rejection .
Persuasion Power
Discounting logic, which technical people can often use to sell ideas instead of focusing on comparisons that relate to the experience of the negotiating parties, creating evidence that can’t be overlooked, and showing how a solution will meet their needs
Planning Power
Using preparation followed by negotiation to effectively plan the project
Position Description (Tool)
A description of the roles and responsibilities of a team member
The possible ability to influence behavior or performance of others
Precedent Power
A type of power that uses something which has achieved desired results in the past regardless if it was on the current project environment or elsewhere
Professionalism Power
Being professional and practical when working with others; helps to foster a win/win relationship with those that work with the project manager by allowing the project manager to look at the people and their needs
Project Human Resource Management
The processes required to organize and manage the project team
Project Organization Chart (Output/Input)
An organization chart that displays which group is responsible for each work item and can show reporting relationships as well; also known as an organizational breakdown structure
Project Team
The group of people put together to plan and (or) execute the work of the project
Project Team Directory
A list of all project team members, their project roles, and their communication needs as they relate to the project
Possessing comfort or a harmonious relationship with someone
Recognition Seekers
A role that looks at the project first to see what they can get out of it
Referent Power
Using personal charisma to attain desired results from others or using existing relationships to help get things done (who you know)
People, supplies, equipment, and other items used in the work of the project
Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS)
A structure that shows the decomposition of the resources being used on the project; can include personnel, divisions or departments, and job roles
Resource Histogram
A graph that displays the resources used over time on a project
Resource Leveling
The process of creating a consistent (even) workload for the resources on a project
Resource Loading
The process of applying resources to a schedule and its activities
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) (Tool)
A matrix that connects the work of the WBS to the personnel assigned to it in the OBS
Reward Power
A type of power that uses positive actions or consequences to attain desired results from other people
Risk Power
A type of power that uses calculated risks in negotiations to achieve project goals
A conflict resolution technique in which the focus is on areas of similarity and focus is taken off areas of difference
Staff Acquisition
The hiring and applying of the needed resources to the project
Staffing Management Plan
A document used to describe when resources will start and finish the project
A role that relates back to the overall picture of what the project is focusing on
Team Development
The creation of individual and team skills to maximize project output
Topic Jumpers
A role that doesn’t stay focused on the primary topics of focus and conversation
A conflict resolution technique in which you withdraw from the disagreement (or source of conflict)
A role that is non-participatory on the project regarding information and project issues