Human resource planning Flashcards
Forecast internal supply
Numbers of people
Skills / competences
Age / career stage
Forecast demand
New skills required
New attitudes needed
Growth / contraction in jobs / roles
New technologies
How to forecast internal supply
Human resource audits
Staff appraisals
Historical records of staff turnover
Forecasts of economic outlook (lose staff in boom)
How to derive forecast demand
Business strategy
Technological developments
Competitor behaviour
Outlook for the industry
Recruitment plan
Numbers , types of people, when required, recruitment programme
Training plan
Numbers of trainees required and / or existing staff needing training, training programme
Redevelopment plan
Programmes for transferring, retraining employees
Productivity plan
Programmes for improving productivity or reducing manpower costs, setting productivity targets
Redundancy plan
Where and when redundancies are to occur, policies for selection and declaration of redundancies, redevelopment, retraining or relocation of redundant employees, policy on redundancy payments, union consultation
Succession planning
Should be an integral part of the HR plan and should support the organisation’s chosen strategy. The developed plan should also be compatible with any changes that are foreseen in the way the organisation operates. It is likely that strategic objectives will only be obtained if management development proceeds in step with the evolution of the organisation
HR cycle
Selection Performance Appraisal Rewards / training and development Performance
important to ensure the organisation obtains people with the qualities and skills required
enables targets to be set that contribute to the achievement of the overall strategic objectives of the organisation. It also identifies skills and performance gaps and provides information relevant to reward levels
Training and development
Ensure skills remain up to date, relevant and comparable with (or better than) the best in industry
The reward system
should motivate and ensure valued staff are retained
Depends upon each of the four components and how they are co-ordinated