Human Reproduction (Exam Questions) Flashcards
Draw a labelled diagram of the reproductive system of the human female (12)
What is fertilisation
Indicate where fertilisation normally occurs on the male reproductive system diagram
State one cause of infertility in the female and one cause of infertility in the male
What is meant by in vitro fertilisation
What is done with the products of in vitro fertilisation
What is a germ layer
List the three germ layers
Relate each of the germ layers to an organ or system in the adult body
From what structures does the placenta develop
Name a hormone associated with the maintenance of the placenta
Describe the amnion and state its role
where is testosterone secreted in the body of the human male
Give a brief account of the role of testosterone
Draw a large labelled diagram of the reproductive system of the human male
Where are sperm produced
State two ways in which sperm differs from ova (eggs)
Name a gland that secretes seminal fluid
State a function of seminal fluid
What is meant by contraception
Give an example of a surgical method of male contraception
Suggest an advantage and disadvantage of the method that you have named
List three methods of contraception other than surgical
In your answer you may refer to either or both sexes
Suggest a possible effect on a human population that may result from an increased availability of contraception
Notes on menstruation and a disorder of mentruation
Biological benefits of breastfeeding
survival times for sperm and ova
Formation and functions of the placenta
Graph illustrating changes in the levels of hormones
where is FSH produced
Give one function of FSH
Draw a labelled diagram of the reproductive system of the human male
Label the following parts on your diagram: Testis, Seminal vesicle, Urethra, Sperm duct (Vas deferens), Epididymis, Prostate gland
Place an X where meiosis occurs on male reproductive system diagram
Place Y where sperm are stored on male reproductive system diagram
State two functions of testosterone
Give a cause of infertility and suggest a corrective measure
Identify parts on female reproductive system
Using the letter x Y and Z identify the following
- Endometrium (X)
- Where fertilisation normally occurs (Y)
- where meiosis occurs (Z)
Which part os the female reproductive system is influenced by both FSH and LH
Give two biological advantages of breastfeedinng
Draw a diagram of the reproductive system of the human female
On your diagram indicate where the following occur:
1. Meiosis
2. Fertilisation
3. Implantation
Give an account of the role of either oestrogen or progesterone in the menstrual cycle
Name a human female menstrual disorder
In the case of this disorder give:
1. A possible cause
2. A method of treatment
Give an account of the importance of the placenta during human development in the womb
From what tissues is the placenta formed
Outline how birth occurs
What is meant by in vitro fertilisation
Explain morula and blastocyst in relation to the development of the embryo
What is semen
Draw a labelled diagram of the reproductive system of the human male
On your diagram indicate clearly and name the part at which each of the following occurs:
1. Production of sperm cells
2. Maturing of sperm cells
3. Mixing of fluid with sperm cells
4. Transport of semen
State two secondary sexual characteristics of the human male
What maintains the secondary sexual characteristics in the adult male
Name three germ layers in the early human embryo
For each germ layer name a structure in the adult body that develops from it
What is an amnion
Explain the importance of the amnion for the foetus
What term refers to ‘physical changes that distinguish the sexes but are not essential for reproduction’
What term is used for the time in a young person’s life when such changes take place
Name the hormone that maintains such changes throughout the life of a male
Name the parts ale reproductive labelled A B C D E and F on the female reproductive system
Using these letters identify the following locations:
1. where meiosis occurs
2. Where zygote formation occurs
3. Where implantation occurs
Describe the role of oestrogen and progesterone in the control of the events of the menstrual cycle
By which type of cell division does the zygote divide
Further divisions result in the formation of the morula
What is the next developmental stage after the morula
The placenta forms from tissues of the mother and the foetus
Give two roles of the placenta
Give one change experienced by the mother that indicates to her that the birth process is starting
Give a short account of the birth process