Ecology (Exam Questions) Flashcards
What is meant by pollution
Give an example of human activity that results in the pollution of air or water
Suggest a means of counteracting this pollution
Explain conservation in relation to plants and animals
Suggest two reasons for conserving wild species
State one conservation practice from agriculture or fisheries or forestry
Explain the following terms that are used in biology
Biosphere, Habitat, Niche
Distinguish between abiotic and biotic factors
Name an ecosystem you have studied and give an example of an abiotic factor that influences the distribution of a named plant in the ecosystem
In the case of your named ecosystem give an example of a biotic factor that influences the distribution of a named plant or animal
What is meant b y pyramid of numbers
Construct a pyramid of numbers
What is the term used by ecologists to describe the organisms that form the base of the pyramid
Population graph
What is a predator
Suggest two factors other than predation that might account for the decline of population according to the graph
suggest two factors that are responsible for the regular increase in population in relation to the graph
What does an ecologist mean by competition
Competition is usually more intense between numbers of the same species than between members of different species.
Comment on the validity of this statement
What is the biosphere
What is meant by a qualitative survey
construct a grazing food chain (4 trophic levels)
Identify the following in your food chain: A Predator A Producer A Secondary consumer A Primary consumer
Explain what is meant by pollution
give an account of the effects of a named pollutant of domestic, agricultural or industrial origin
Describe one way in which the pollution that you have indicated above might be controlled
Outline the problems associated with the disposal of waste
Suggest two ways of minimising waste
In ecology what is meant by a trophic level
Complete a pyramid of numbers diagram
Explain the following terms
Niche, Edaphic factor, Symbiosis
What is the function of the nitrogen cycle
What is meant by nitrogen fixation
what is meant by nitrification
Describe using words and/or labelled diagrams, the events of the nitrogen cycle
What term do ecologists use to describe an animal which kills and eats other animals
what term is used to describe an animal that is killed and eaten
If the population of prey declines suggest two possible consequences for predators
give four factors that influence size of the human population
What does an ecologist mean by competition
Distinguish clearly between contest and scramble competition