Amylase function and products
It breaks down starch into maltose & glucose
Protease function and products
Breaks down proteins into amino acids
Lipase function and products
Breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol
Where is amylase found
Mouth & duodenum
Where is protease found
Stomach & duodenum
Where is lipase found
What is the epiglottis
A piece of cartilage that stops the bolus from entering the trachea
Where is Bile secreted?
In the liver
How do Bile salts help in digestion?
They emulsify fats, making it easier for lipase to digest them
How does hydrochloric acid help the stomach?
It provides an optimum PH for pepsin which break s down proteins in the stomach and kills harmful bacteria
What is diarrhea, how can it be treated?
It is the loss of watery faeces, It can be treated through oral rehydration therapy, where a small amount of sugar and salt is dissolved in water.
How does cholera result in diarrhea?
The bacterium secretes toxins, which includes chloride ions
The chloride ions move from the cells into the lumen of the intestine as the water potential in the lumen is low.
Water flows out by osmosis, this results in large volumes of water being present in the intestine, which is passed out as faeces.
What is assimilation?
It is the movement of digested food molecules into the cells of the body where they are used, becoming part of the cell.
Why do people with anemia feel tired?
There is a decrease in red blood cells in the patient’s body, resulting in a lack of oxygen to function vital systems such as respiration, it weakens muscles, thus leading to a fatigue body.
Where is Bile stored?
It is stored in the gallbladder
What is the function of the pancreas?
It makes the pancreatic juice containing enzymes, enzymes that are needed to breakdown proteins, fats, and starch.
Describe the structure and the function of the villus
Tiny finger-like projections present in the small intestine, these villi further have tiny projections known as microvilli. The villi and the microvilli increase the Surface area of the small intestine aiding the absorption of nutrients, by diffusion and active transport.
What should the Villi be protected against?
They need to protect against harmful pathogens and any physical damage.
Define peristalsis
It is the rhythmic contractions of muscles that ripple along a tube, moving the food further through the alimentary canal.
What does the lacteal do?
It absorbs fatty acids and glycerol
What do the blood capillaries do?
They absorb small molecules, such as amino acids and sugars
State three ways in which the small intestine is adapted for absorption
It is long 5m- Plenty of time for digestion to occur and helps digested food absorb as it slowly passes through.
Villi, with further tiny projection, the microvilli- Increases the surface area, the larger the surface area the faster the nutrients can be absorbed.
Villi has walls that are only a cell thick-
The digested nutrients can easily cross the wall to reach the blood capillaries and the lacteal (Faster rate of diffusion).
Deine absorption
The movement of small food molecules and ions through the wall of the small intestine to the blood.
Define egestion
The passing out of food that has not been digested or absorbed, as faeces through the anus.
Define ingestion
Taking in of substances into the body through the mouth
Define chemical digestion
The breakdown of large insoluble molecules into small soluble molecules
Define mechanical digestion
The breakdown of food into smaller pieces without chemical change to food molecules