Human Impact Flashcards
What is the definition of biodiversity?
Variety of species present in an ecosystem this can be calculated as the number of species in a specific area
What is extinction?
A natural process that has been taking place since life originated however currently the rate of extinction has increased rapidly due to human impact
Why does natural selection cause extinction?
When individuals less suited to prevailing conditions reproduce less successfully which cause numbers to decrease.
Human activities are causing habitats to change faster than new mutations allow species to adapt
What are examples of habitat destruction and how does this cause extinction?
Deforestation, drainage of wetlands, hedgerow loss
By reducing habitable areas populations decline as more species must compete over less
What are examples of overhunting that cause extinction?
Trophy hunting, traditional medicine practices, bush meat industry (where primates are killed for food), overfishing, agricultural exploitation
What examples of their competition from introduced species has caused extinction?
The dodo due to rats, North American crayfish has killed native UK crayfish and red squirrels have declined due to outcompeting by grey squirrels
How has pollution caused extinction?
Oil is sometimes accidentally discharged into the sea
Oil floats and prevents oxygenation of surface water and animals that breakthrough are covered by film of oil for example birds. These die due to their feathers clumping together and cannot provide insulation and oil washed up on beaches is ingested by shore animals which are poisoned by it
PCBs are ingested with food but they are neurotoxins carcinogens and home-made and disruptors and were banned in the UK however the waste was dumped in a quarry and not disposed of properly they are still detected in waste water from the site which animals eat
What is conservation?
Protection, preservation, management and restoration of natural habitats and that ecological community is to enhance biodiversity while allowing for suitable human activity
The sensible management of the biosphere and enhancement of biodiversity locally
What are examples of conservation techniques?
Habitat protection - nature reserves SSSI Restricting trade Breeding programmes and gene banks Education Legislation Ecotourism
How are habitats protected?
This protect species that live there and communities then active living gene banks.
These can be recognised as local nature reserve, National nature reserves, SACs (special areas of conservation), SSSIs (sites of special scientific interest) and these have legal protection and are managed and monitored
How is international cooperation conservation?
This is restricting trade in ivory or whaling
What example of gene banks are there?
Breeding programs in zoos and botanic Gardens, sperm banks which doesn’t need moving animals, seed banks, rare breeds societies, species re-introduction
What is involved in eco-tourism?
Recognising that mass travel is harmful globally and to specific habitats
Eco-tourism contributes to conservation efforts, employs locals to give money back to communities, educate visitors about the local environment and culture, cooperates with local people to manage and maintain natural areas
Why is it important to conserve species?
To conserve the existing gene pools
What are four reasons to conserve?
Ethical reasons
Agriculture and horticulture
Prevention of extinction
Potential medical uses
What are the ethical reasons behind conserving?
Each species represents a particular combination of genes and alleles adapted a particular environment and the uniqueness must be saved
What are the agriculture and horticulture reasons for conserving?
Selective breeding increases genetic uniformity and loses many alleles which might have had important qualities with resistance to certain weather or diseases and must be bread back into plants
Why is it important to conserve lots of different alleles?
If there is a change in environment certain alleles may provide an advantage to individuals and prevent the extinction of species
What are the potential medical reasons behind conservation?
Antibiotics and a lot of medicine are from fungi and synthesised from plants by conserving plants we may find a cure to more diseases