Human Evolution (10) Flashcards
Evolutionary trends?
= persistent, directional change in a character that results in significant change through time.
Primate lineage?
From Miocene until present day.
= extinct & extant apes and humans.
= extinct & extant great apes and humans.
= extinct & extant humans (human lineage only).
Hominin lineage initially vs reality?
● Initially
= Linear model.
● Reality
= Bush model.
How do we know which taxa to include in the hominin lineage?
We use traits to identify & classify taxa as hominins.
Main traits that group hominins & exclude other great apes? (3)
• Bipedalism.
• Dentition (Canine reductio.
• Increased brain size.
Bipedalism forms? (3)
• Facultative.
• Habitual.
• Obligate.
Facultative bipedalism?
= assumed for particular action.
Habitual bipedalism?
= regular form of locomotion.
Obligate bipedalism?
= only form of locomotion.
Trait changes to allow for bipedalism? (6)
• Foramen magnum.
• Spine shape.
• Pelvis shape.
• Rib cage shape.
• Angled knee.
• Foot.
Canine reduction attributes? (3)
• Loss of canine honing.
• Enamel thinning.
• Diminished sexual dimorphism.
Results of canine reduction? (2)
• Enamel thinning.
• Diminished sexual dimorphism.
Diminished sexual dimorphism?
= no differences in female teeth & male teeth.
Increased brain size attributes? (3)
• Frontal lobe increases over time.
• Enabled cognition.
• Potentially facilitated tool use & other cognitive abilities.
Results of frontal lobe change? (2)
• Enabled cognition.
• Potent tool use & other cognitive function.
How do we compare these 3 traits across taxa?
Look for apomorphies, especially synapomorphies.
What can we use these comparisons across taxa for?
Used to find evolutionary trends.
Outline the hominin lineage? (3)
• Pre-Australopithecines.
• Australopithecines.
• Homo species.
List the Pre-Australopithecines? (3)
• Sahelanthropus tchadenis.
• Orrorin tugensis.
• Ardipithecus ramidus.
Sahelanthropus tchadenis year?