Human Development Flashcards
Oral Stage
Freud’s 1st stage of psychosexual development
Ages- birth to 18mos
Primary need of baby is security
Anal Stage
Freud’s 2nd stage of psychosexual development
Ages- 18mons to 3yrs
Gratification involves anus and bladder
Phallic Stage
Freud’s 3rd stage of psychosexual development
Ages 3-6
Child explores body more
Oedipus and Electra complexes may occur
Latent Stage
Freud’s 4th stage of psychosexual development
Ages 6- puberty
Child’s sexual interests have subsided, energy focused on school, hobbies, etc.
Genital Stage
Freud’s 5th stage of psychosexual development
Ages- puberty to death
Teen becomes aware of physical changes
General motivation to seek relationships that are emotionally and sexually satisfying
Erikson’s Trust vs Mistrust (birth to 18mos)
Primary goal is to learn to trust others
Achieved when caretaker appropriately responds to child’s needs
Erikson’s Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt (18mos to age 3)
Primary goal is development of self-control and self-expression without loss of self-esteem
Failure to achieve this leads to defiance, anger, and social problems.
Erikson’s Initiative vs Guilt (Ages 3-6)
Initiative- creating a plan and following through with it
Guilt- generated by fear that actions taken will result in disapproval
Failure to achieve this goal can lead to anxiety and fearfulness in new situations
Erikson’s Industry vs. Inferiority (Ages 6-11)
Industry- purposeful, meaningful behavior
Inferiority- having sense of unworthiness or uselessness
Failure leads to negative social or academic performance
*Child is focusing on making friends and self-care activities
Erikson’s Identity vs Role Confusion (Ages 12 to 18)
Involves desire to fit in and to figure out one’s own unique identity
Role confusion is a result of juggling multiple physical changes, increased responsibility and academic demands
Erikson’s Intimacy vs Isolation (Ages 18-40)
Ability to take risks by entering workforce, finding long term relationship
Failure to navigate this stage leads to isolation, loneliness and depression
Erikson’s Generativity vs Stagnation (Ages 40-60)
Developing stability in all facets of life
Failure to achieve this leads to unhappiness with one’s status and feeling unimportant
Erikson’s Ego Identity vs Despair (mid-sixties to death)
Important life tasks are being completed
Reviewing and evaluating how one’s life was spent
Assimilation (Piaget’s model)
When a person accepts and organizes information, then incorporates new material into existing knowledge
I.e. child sees a new dog for the first time, but recognizes it as a dog
Accommodation (Piaget’s model)
Old ideas must be changed or replaced due to obtaining new information from the environment
Schemas (Piaget’s model)
A set of thoughts, ideas, or perceptions that are constantly challenged by gaining new information
Sensorimotor Stage (birth to age 2)
Piaget’s first stage
Object permanence- baby realizes that people or objects still exist, even if they are out of sight
Object permanence builds sense of security as baby learns though parent has left, they will return
Pre-operational Stage (age 2-7)
Piaget’s 2 stage
Child starts to use language
Is egocentric and has trouble using logic and understanding differing viewpoints
Concrete Operational Stage (7-12)
Piaget’s 3rd stage
Is able to understand differing viewpoints
Previously held beliefs are questioned
Formal Operational Stage (Ages 12- adulthood)
Piaget’s final stage
Egocentrism diminishes
New schemas are created
Classical Conditioning
Ivan Pavlov
Learning process where two stimuli are repeatedly paired i.e. ringing bell paired with presentation of food, creates response for dog
Operant Conditioning
B.F. Skinner
Behaviors that are reinforced will increase; behavior that is punished will decrease.
Positive Reinforcement
“Adding” a reward to reinforce behavior (i.e. food, money, praise, or attention)
Negative reinforcement
Something (unpleasant) already present is removed (taken away) as a result of a person’s behavior
i.e. man finally cuts grass to stop his wife from nagging about it
Positive punishment
Adding a consequence to decrease behavior
Negative punishment
Removing favorited items of person’s life to decrease behaviors
Incorrect perception that one stimulus is connected to another
Changing behavior gradually toward desired behavior
Referring to when a behavior disappears because it is no longer being reinforced
Seasons of Life Theory (Levinson)
Theory of adult development
Freud’s three levels of the mind
Consciousness: the part of the mind that holds accessible and current thoughts
Pre-Consciousness: the area that holds thought that can be accessed by memory
Unconscious: mind motivates behavior and contains thoughts, feelings and impulses not easily accessible
Most basic, primitive part of the human psyche, based on instincts
Two instincts: THANATOS (death) and EROS (survival)
Develops over the first few years of life
Awareness of others’ feelings, delay gratification when necessary
Final personality component, developed around age 5
Internal moral system of a person/sense of right and wrong