human case studies Flashcards
USA - patterns of emigration and immigration
2013 - 41.3 million immgrants - 13% of total population coming from mexico, india, china etc
2013 - 2.98 million US citizens living abroad
attractiveness of usa for migrants
positive immigration policy and possibility of obtaining a green card
employment opportunities
wage differentials and opportunity to send remittances
educational opportunities and access to other services such as healthcare
policys on refugees and family reunification
migration policies - usa
reunification of families - 480,000 visas are available per year for families to join US citizens
admission of skilled workers - 140,000 visas
protecting refugees
promoting diversity - 50,000 immigrant visas drawn by random selection of individuals from countries with low rates of immigration to the usa
humanitarian relief - temporary visas for relief from natural disasters or ongoing armed conflict
interdependence between usa and mexico
is a bilateral migrant corridor - 2013 - over 11.5 million mexicans lived in us and 1 million americans lived in mexico
low skilled mexicans contribute to the us economy by working in agriculture, construction and low paid services - higher wages allows for remmittances - 2013 - 2% of mexicos gdp
NAFTA - trade between the countries - merchandise trade alone accounts for $1.4 billion per day.
opportunities created by international migration to the us
immigrant population take many of the low paid jobs that native born americans do not want - 2013 mexican immigrants worked in services, construction, transport etc - provides significant contributions to gdp
us immigration policy aims to attract highly skilled and well qualified people - ‘persons of extraordinary ability’ - eg main employment from migrants from india - 73% in business and science
most immigrants are young - helps with birth rate and ageing population
immigrants are consumers
challenges of migration - usa
estimated 11.5 million illlegal immigrants live in us
uneven progress integrating immigrant groups into us society
where immigrant populations are concentrated, resources and services can become an issue eg - adding to demand for water supply in southeren california
patterns of immigration and emigration - laos
2013 - 1.29 million emigrants lived abroad - thailand
20,000 immigrants to laos - vietnam
emigration to thailand from laos
insufficient land available for farming and periodic droughts which lead to food insecurity
strong motivation to follow others who have returned from financially successful migrations
daily minimum wage in thailand is 300 baht compared to 80 baht in laos
for many families in laos - migrant remittances are the main source of income
familiarity with thai culture and language
llow levels of education means people are unskilled - high demand for unskilled labour in laos
immigration to laos
employment opportunities by government strategies for construction
migration policy - laos
laos is a source country for human trafficking - 2013 - 36% of populations under 15 - these go into workforce where there are little jobs so move to thailand
government policies to prevent this have generally been ineffective
x - government work in cooperation with UN agencies like UNICEF to implement stricter anti-trafficking policy
part of ASEAN - ASEAN economic community aims to allow freer movement of skilled labour
interdependence between laos and thailand
outward flow of unskilled workers - help thailand in construction, agriculture and factory work - in turn helps laos through remittances
laos - thailand cooperation committee has been established strengthening communication and trade
thailand has funded a large health service development and drugs treatment centre in laos
laos and thailand work together as members pf the mekong river commission to manage flooding
laos signed agreements to build rail links between thailand and vietnam including link to china - helps laos development
opportunities from migration - laos
migration corridor helped to stimulate political and economic cooperation in termms of trade, investment, development projects and security
economic cooperation with vietnam in over 400 investment project in laos
migrant remittances - laos - 22% of families live below poverty line
challenges from migration - laos
many migrants are under 18 - vulnerable to human trafficking, forced labour and exploitation - policy implemented is unsuccessful so therefore has to rely on transnational governance
loss of skilled labour such as carpenters and nechanics to thailand
laos garment industry is largest sector of manufacturing employment but its growth depends on improved working conditions andd the retention of many young female workers who may leave seeking higher wages un thailand
patterns of emigration and immigration in brazil
a net migration loss of half a million in each of the four year periods 2000-04 and 2005-09 but this slowed to 190,000 between 2010 and 2014
brazils link to portugal
have a longstanding bilateral relationship on political, social and economic basis
brazil was aformer colony of portugal nad today the protuguese governemnt gives special status to brazilian migrants
economic migrants - portugal is a gateway entrace to EU
shared alnguage and culture makes it easier
migrant remmittances
brazil and usa
low skilled economic migrants are able to remit significant amounts back to brazil
returning migrants have acquired skiills and knowledge
the usa has negotiated agreements with brazil regarding agriculture, trade, finance, education and defence - USAID gives support to brazil in many environmental projects - training xavnate indigenous people to protect tribal lnads from forest fires, assisting the brazilian government in designing and implementing laws concerning forest governance and sustainable forest management
brazil links to haiti
national immigration council for brazil enables haitian immigrants to obtain visas and therby reduce their risk of human trafficking
economic development in brazil
waves of immigration in different pperiods from japan, portugal and other european countries have contributed to the growth in agriculture and manufacturing sectors
recent arrivals of highly skilled professionals with employment contracts have contrbuted to entrepreneurship, innovation and reducing gaps in the labour market
emigration to the usa, japn, portugal and other european countries have resulted in migrant remittances to brazil, ised by families in housing improvements, education and general consumption which has contributed to development at all scales
political stability in brazil
membership of Mercosur, primarily a trading bloc in which there is free flow of trade, capital and labour migration has helped south american integration and promotion of political stability
there are stable political relationships between brazil and the countries it has significant bilateral migrant flows with
important reciever of environmental and political refugees and as a stable government accepts responsibility for their weifare and employment prospects by providing visas and work permits
social equality in brazil
according to UNESCO there are inequalities in brazilian society between ethnic groups through housing, access to services, educational attainment and income - brazilians of african descent are most affected.
inequalities have spaptial perspective with poverty concentrated in rural areas or in the favelas where the poor migrate
there is prejudice and discrimination in the labour market, especially against balck and indigenous populations and this impedes their full economic political and social development