human case studies 3 Flashcards
south sudan - facts
gained independence from sudan in 2011
2013 - political infighting between president kiir, a dinka and vice president machar, a nuer, turned to serious conflict
led to thousands of deaths, 1.5 million internally displaced persons and 730,000 refugees to neighbouring countries
1 in 3 children suffer from malnutrition
the UN in south sudan
un peacekeeping mission was reinforced in 2014 increasing military and police presence, to consolidate people and security, protect citizens, monitor juman rights and support delivery or humanitarian assistance - 12,500 military personnel, 1000 police
WHO - oral cholera vaccination
UNHCR - urged government to sign international conventions for refugee protection and it coordinates partnerships between UN agencies and SS government agencies to assist displaced people, especially unaccompanied and separated children
south sudanese government
un security council highly critical of ss govt and has called upon govt to put the people first before the ambitions of the leaders and to find a political rather than a military solution to the conflict
unhcr attempted to engage govt agencies as partners but human rights violations still take place - attacks on peace keepers and humanitarian personnel
treaties - convention against torture, convention on the rights of the child, convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women - x - brought hope, but lack of government cooperation leaves long term challenges such as alleviating poverty, improving the business environment and the trafficking of children and women
ngos in south sudan
more than 300 working in south sudan - medecins sans frontieres, save the children, oxfam
x - harrassment and violence - forced evacuation of upper nile state leaving population vulnerable and blocking use of the nile for the delivery of food relief
positive consequences of global governance in south sudan
aid agencies have coordinated their efforts to positioon essential supplies during the dry season, enabling easier access to emergency food during the wet season when roads are difficult
villagers have recieved training in maintaining livestock health and use of fishing equipment to improve longer term food security
vulnerable children have achieved help for malnutrition through the work of msf
who have set up cholera treatment centre and provide advice on hygiene and access to clean safe drinking water
coordinated efforts have secured funds from various european governments
negative consequences of global governance of the conflict in south sudan
many inhabitants at upper nile and unity states have suffered because transport routes have been blocked and aid organisations which they depend on have been extorted for their resources such as supplies of food and medicine
then may have to abandon their homess, starvation and illness, and children being forced into military training camps
sovereignty/territorial integrity issues in mali
2013 - malian interim authorities requested the assurance of france to defend mali’s sovereignty and restore its territorial integrity - response to 2012 military coup d’etat and subsequent insurgency, including continued terrorism
international boundaries delineated by european colonial powers in the early 20th century had little regard for tribal lands - resulting in arbritrary division of the tuareg ethnic group
the tuareg declared independence for awazad , an area of northeast mali over which they claim territorial and cultural rights
fighting in north to control routes for both legal trade and illegal smuggling
multiple significant ethnic group - songhai prominent in gao area
global governance strategies - mali
united nations multidimensional inte grated stabilisation mission in mali - 2013 - aims to support the political process and stabilise mali, ensure security, prottect civilians, assist re establsihment of state authroity and promote and protect human rights
2015 peace deal - mali government and the tuareg providing autonomy for the north - includes recognition of locally elected leaders, greater representation of northern populations in national institutions and transferring a greater proportion of state budget to local authorities in the north
problem with global governamce strategy MINUSMA
increasingly difficult to work in areas of armed bandits involved in smuggling, car jacking, kidnapping of tourists, ngo workers and diplomats for money, and land mines
ngos and local communities - bali
population services international - reproductive health projects
care - food security and poverty alleviation
world education mali - addressing educational barriers to literacy
solidarities international - water, hygiene, sanitation and food security in northern settlements of timbuktu and gao
promotion of stability - mali
MINUSMA is establishing mechanisms for political, social and economic stability. provision of military force and strengthening of police are designed to minimise terrorsit activity and to support the government in providing more effective legislation and rule of law, and to set up democratic elections
re-establishing sovereign state control of the north and territorial integrity within internationally recognised boundaries is aslo a un aim
promotion of growth - mali
gdp per capita is recovering after it fell in the two years following the coup
reduction of import dependency and increased economic diversity are essential for mali to reduce its trade deficit. world bank supports smallholder farmers by enhancing supply chains for farming products
promotion of development - mali
un mission and other international organisations in co-operation with the mali govt - water aid - working with local communities in urbain and rural areas to secure sustainable water supply and sanitation - opportunity for citizens to become healthier, better educated and more food secure
promotion of ineguality in mali
socio economic divides between north and south remain - north is undeveloped and under represented politically
deep rooted cultural and linguistic divisions within and between tuareg and songhai and others in the north are a major challenge for peace. the international community has mistakenly tried to deal with the north as one area - not all people see azawad is common territory
promotion of injustice - mali
govts inability to police its own country has led to high levels of human trafficking, drug smuggling, kidnapping, embezzlement and corruption
govt unable to protect the citizens from human rights abuses eg women and children - early marriages, female genital mutilation
high rates of maternal and child mortality
causes and challenges to the government - ukraine
gained independence following collapse of the soviet union in 2010
geographical position - between russia and the eu
internal political divisions - rusiian speaking provinces in the east and the ukrainian speaking west
ethnic disparities between ukrainian speakers and russian speakers
therefore unable to build a common identity leading to violent outburst and rigged election failures
impact on people - ukraine
evacuees have moved to dormitories in summer camps, disused huts etc. the lack of income, poor quality of shelter and poor access to healthcare have added to the vulnerability of the old and young and disabled
7000 deaths including people being shot down in a civilian aircraft
town of debaltseve has been bombed, causing damage to housing, services, places of work and livelihoods. located on the highway linking other rebel strongholds it is a strategically important trade link to russia
impact on places within ukraine
donetsk airport has been the scene of heavy fighting.
donbass industrial and residential areas have suffered loss of power, water and gas
industrial plants have been damaged eg coal mine at Zasyodko
areas of forests have been burning more than usual
impact of other countries - ukraine
economic sanction by the eu and the usa have been effective in leading to increased prices and a drop in value of the rouble in russia
nato has increased its strength in potentially vulnerable former soviet union states