HSTR 391 World War II Midterm Flashcards
What was the Beer Hall/Munich Putsch
a failed nazi coup detat led by hitler trying to overthow the weimar republic
what was significant about hitlers imprisonment and trial in 1923
Hitler used his imprisonment to express his political views to the populace
he wrote mein kampf in prison
what was mein kampf
blueprint of how hitler would govern germany
outlines hitlers antisemitism
outlined political and military idealogy
when did hitler become chancellor
jan 30 1933
when did hitler become chancellor
jan 30 1933
what was significant about the burning of the reistag on feb 27 1933
reistag was a symbol of the weimar republic
it created widespread distaste for communists
allowed hitler to pass the reistag fire decree to legally suppress communist opposition
what power was granted through the enabling act
the chancellor (hitler) could pass laws without consent of parliament
when and what was the night of the long knives
june 30 1934
Hitler killed off all political opponents within the government
military starkly loyal to hitler
what was significant about the death of hindenburg and the date
aug 2 1934
hitler was able to become both president and chancellor (all powerful)
Nuremburg decrees
laws that made prosecution of the jewish people legal and laid the institutional groundwork for pureblood and anti-semetic ideology
what occured on kristallnacht
nov 9 1938
immense violence agaisnt anything jewish
shop and synagogs destroyed, graves defiled, murders etc
carried out by nazis and german people
what was decided at the wansee protocols of 1942
the jewish problem would be solved by genocide
what was significant about hitlers reoccupation of the rhineland
the allies acted with appeasement
hitler is expanding the borders of germany
hitler is making territorial claims
what was the anchluss
the german annexation of austria into germany
austrian people wanted to join germany and follow hitler
why was the soviet non aggression pact important and why did Stalin agree to it
it was a non aggression pact between the USSR and Germany that allowed Stalin to rearm
it also secretly promised stalin a sphere of influence over several eastern european countries
hitler could avoid a 2 front war
what was the official start of the war
sept 1 1939
hitler invaded poland
what were the allied justifications for appeasement (4)
bought time for re armament
fear of a repeat of ww1
recognition that the treaty of versilles had been too harsh
christian values (blessed are the peacemakers)
what is aufragstaktik
decentralized command
what is drang nach osten
drive to the east
consolodate german people
what was kesselschlacht
cauldron war
what was the schutzstaffel
hitlers personal body gaurd
manages concentration camp and domestic police
why is the battle of khalkhin gol significant
the russian defeat of the japanese military forced japan to turn south toward the US controled Phillippeans which led to pearl harbor
what is the concept of ethnocentricsm and where did it appear and why was it significant
the idea of giving each ethnicity their own nation
treaty of versilles
in reality it crammed ethnicities that didnt like each other together and caused conflict
what was the war guilt clause and why was it significant
germany had to take full blame for ww1
gave the legal basis for germany to pay the reparations
the situation created by the war guilt clause gave hitler the situation to rise
what was the primary cause for ww2
hitler and the nazis
why didnt the US join the league of nations
isolationist tendencies
fear of losing autonomy
who were the members of the triple entante
britian france russia
who were the members of the central powers
germany austria hungary italy turkey
what was 11/11/11/11/1918
world war one ended at 11:11 on november 11 1918
terror warfare
bombed Rotterdam into absolute ruble
whistles on bombs planes etc
living space
key tenant of nazism
mobile killing squads
played a large roll in the holocaust
policy of reclaiming lands that one believes to be his own
hitler practiced irridentism in the austrian anschluss and the re occupation of the rhineland
german air force
german navy
decentralized command
Each level of command down to the nco understood the objectives could take command and could keep fighting
what is blitzkreig and where was it first implemented
lightning war
war of movement
act swiftly and powerfully
those deemed inferior to the arrayan nazis
uber mensch
goal for humanity to strive for
the perfect people
part of nazi ideal for people
what was the blitz
the intense bombing campaign by the luftwaffe agaisnt major british cities
the 8 month period of little armed conflict after france and the UK declared war on Germany
ended with Nazi invasion of France and the low countries
operation sea lion
german invasion to invade the UK
Heinrich himmler
head of the Nazi SS
oversaw concentration camps
herman goring
leader of the luftwaffe
heinz guderian
father of blitzkreig
maginot line
string of defensive french fortifications on their border
circumvented by siccle cut plan
what was the winter war
USSR wanted a chunk of finland to protect leningrad
USSR wins eventually but with heavy losses to fin markmanship
pact of steel
alliance between germany and italy
sturmabteilung (brown shirts)
Nazi paramilitary group responsible for political suppression in the rise of the Nazi party
name for german armed forces
untersee schiffen
german U boats
oberkomando der wehrmacht
high command of german military
“Eagle day” first day of mass bombing by the luftwaffe on british people
what helped hitler rise to power (4)
put people back to work
Nazis strong Wiemar weak (brown shirts)
Cult of personality
what are the causes of WW2
Hitler and the nazis
treaty of Versailles
what were the 4 major mistakes made by the german military by 1941
The miracle of Dunkirk
engaged in a two front war
switched bombing targets to cities instead of airfields
overconfidence in the enigma
How did WW1 affect the outbreak of ww2
treaty of versilles
characteristics of blitzkreig
act swiftly
cauldron warfare
use of air power
disrupt logistics
why did the british win the battle of britian
home turf (longer fly times reuse of soldiers)
radar and code breaking ability
manufacturing capability
superior aircraft
enabling act date
mar 23 1933
military occupation of the rhineland
anschluss year
invasion of norway
april 9 1940
invasion of western europe
may 10 1940
stop order at dunkirk
may 24 1940
start of battle of britian
aug 13 1940