HSM 40 SOP Flashcards
What shall HAC inform the SDO of?
- completion of assigned mission
- factors that preclude the completion if any follow-on events (e.g. a broken tail wheel lockpin for DLQs, loss of nav capabilities for instrument flight)
- route of flight info for any flights that originate or land at an airfield other than home field
Weather min for fam/tact/nvd flight
Weather min for form flight
Weather min for FRP night DLQ
**ship TACAN shall be operable
Weather min for CAL/LZ
Weather min for SACT
SACT = surface to air counter tactics
2500-3 WITH visible horizon
Lightning within 5 miles of field
Reported by base ops
Line personnel shall be removed from line environment and fueling shall be secured in accordance to reference j
FRP initial NVD form flight req
High light level (HLL) conditions
NSI instructing the event may determine HLL areas through aid of sufficient cultural or environmental lighting
For what types of flights shall you have an aircrewman?
- night flight
- overwater training
- flights withe personnel in cabin area other than Temporary Flight Orders (TFOs) or MH-60R qualified aircrewman
QUALIFIED aircrewmen shall be required for all TACFORM and CAL/LZ evolutions
Can an FRP be on an FCF?
Yes, FRP can be FCF co-pilot once NATOPS qualified
Minimum crew reqs for ground mx turns
- command designated mh60r hac
- properly briefed observer
-hac should utilize observer for checklists
Min crew reqs for geound mx turns if any portion involves FCF checklist
- command designated FCP
- properly briefed observer
FRP NVD form min required crew
-2 NVD TACFORM aircrewmen
-CAT 1 FRAC on NVD-1 or NVD-2
event may be added as a third aircrewmen
-concurrent instruction not directly related to formation flying is PROHIBITED while the flight is in formation
Aircrewmen currency requirements
- shall not fly as sole aircrewman unless they have flown in the last 90 days
- currency regained by flying 1.0 hout with current aircrewman
- FRACs that have not flown in AC within 30 days shall recieve syllabus refresher flight (Instructors can count event complete or as warm-up, provided overall event not graded below average)
- FRACs shall recieve a warm-up flight of they have not flown in AC in over 45 days
FRP warm-up reqs
- sim (wtt/oft/toft)
- TAC flight (tac-1, 4 ,6, 7, 8)
-flight events (prior to NATOPS check, NVDs,
- sim = over 21 days since last syllabus event = next sim is optional warm-up based on performance
- tac = over 21 days since last wtt/toft/otac/flight = next flight is optional warm-up based on performance
- flight events
- over 21 days but less than 45 days from last flight = next flight is optional warm-up based on performance
- over 45 days since last flight = 1.0 hour BITS requires to include autos and other FAM type maneuvers
FRP DLQ reqs
FRP shall fly at least 1.0 hour of night within 15 days of flying night DLQs
DLQ HACs shall be night current and comply with guidance set forth in reference d
Aircrewman dip currency
- shall have performed 2 dipping cycles (dome entering water) within 180 days
- if AW currency is lost, it may be regained with any dip current FRS instructor
- AW dip currency may be regained or maintained in a sim
- AW regaining dip qual in sim must complete normal and emergency dip procedures administered by a qualified FRS instructor
FRS IPs teaching SACT and CAL/LZ events have specific currency reqs. Curr3ncy, if lost, can be regained by
Flying a warm-up flight with a qualified and current HAC
- SACT = 120 days
- CAL/LZ = 220 days
Crew rest reqs
- pertain to all A/C and ground events
- max daily instructional flight time for OUT/FRP/FRAC is 6 flight hours (this restriction is not applicable to DLQ evolutions)
- pilots shall not be scheduled for a flight following the SDO PM watch
- AWs shall not be scheduled for a flight if they have stood the 0000-0800 ASDO, security, or fire watch same day
- AWs shall not be scheduled for a flight brief before 1000 if they have stood a 1600-2400 watch the previous day
DLQ max radius of action
Ship-to-shore AND shore-to-ship is limited to 50 nm
Night DLQ for initial qual
Shall not be flown without an operable ship AND aircraft TACAN
Safe single engine airspeed and stab programming
Shall be called on the first take off of thr flight, after manipulation if the stabilator controls, all shipboard takeoffs, qnd all unprepared surface takeoffs
Where can HIT checks be performed?
May be completed on deck or in the air
If either HIT check fails,
The aircraft SHALL be returned to the line for mx action
Use of gunner’s belts
Personnel shall ensure that the amount of slack in the gunner’s belt is short enough to preclude ejection from the cabin area in the event of an aircraft ditch
What shall happen prior to all dipping ops?
All dipping ops shall include a thorough review of the environment, water depth, and include ORM/CRM
The automatic approach checklist
Shall be completed prior to descending below 150ft AGL
Before the first flight of the day in an ALFS-equipped aircraft,
The HAC shall ensure the “DOME SEATED” advisory is present before taxiing
If dipping operations are to be performed, the AW shall complete a MBIT prior to commencing any dipping operations
Pre-operational MBITs should be conducted on the ground to the maximum extend practical
The ALFS shall only be pinged with
Approval of the CO and with prior FACSFAC coordination
Furthermore, the HAC shall adhere to the current marine mammal mitigation procedures and the Atlantic Fleet active sonar training environmental impact statement
A Sonar Positional Reporting System (SPORTS) report shall be completed if the sonar was utilized under water
In-air pings are authorized
When can actually dipping ops be conducted?
Shall only be conducted on scheduled dipping events unless otherwise approved by the CO
Dipping ops depth limitations
Shall be limited to a maximum depth of 50ft within 70NM of the NRB TACAN
Where is shallow water in relation to the NRB TACAN?
On the 100-120 radial from 25-30NM