HR Organization Flashcards
The HR function is designed and structured to serve the?
Strategy of the overall organization as well as the HR strategy.
- have a strategic role. They are typically part of the organization’s senior leadership team, and, ideally, they report directly to the chief executive officer (CEO) or chief operating officer (COO). This structure creates the opportunity for HR to perform its strategic role. HR leaders bring information about strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the organization’s strategy to other leaders and participate in the development of overall strategy. In addition, they develop and direct the strategy, priorities, and focus for their HR team. The leader of the HR function may have different titles, including chief HR officer (CHRO), HR director, or vice president of HR.
- are responsible for units within the HR function, such as employee relations, talent acquisition, and organizational development. HR managers plan, direct, and coordinate the activities for their unit and provide input to the leader for HR strategy.
- (also known as functional experts) have expertise in specific areas such as compensation and benefits design, talent management, metrics, IT, occupational health and safety, organizational development, and workforce relations. Their role is to apply best practices in their discipline to advance the HR strategy.
- (also known as HR practitioners) are familiar with all of HR’s varied services. Generalists may have expertise in one or more specialty areas of HR but are generally proficient enough in each area to provide sound advice and direction to employees and managers. HR generalists work closely with their specialist coworkers to ensure that the information and programs they are providing to their employees are accurate and complete. Generalists may also be embedded within countries or business units.
- are more experienced generalists who are assigned to represent HR services directly to other business functions. HR business partners use a deeper understanding of the business—both the organization and the function—to find ways that HR can help functions achieve their goals. This requires many competencies, including Business Acumen, Consultation, Relationship Management, and Communication. These individuals can be key to demonstrating HR’s value throughout the organization.
HR Business Partners
All HR personnel located within the HR department; deliver services to the entire organization.
HR staff within each function, business unit, or location carrying out required activities.
Headquarters HR is staffed with specialists who craft policies. HR generalists, who may be located within divisions or other locales, implement these policies, adapt them as needed, and interact with employees.
Allows organizations with different strategies in multiple units to apply HR expertise to each unit’s specific strategic needs.
Each business unit can supplement its resources by selecting what it needs from a menu of shared HR services (usually transactional) that the units agree to share.
Shared Services
Leverages strategic expertise to foster growth and continuous improvement.
Center of Excellence (COE)
Generalists who usually report to managers outside of the HR structure but indirectly report to HR and work to consult and help link their business area to the proper areas of the HR department.
Business Partners
HR staff report directly to HR senior management but also report to other departments through the senior management positions.
Refers to the ability to attain support and resources from around the world, often via outsourcing.
Global Resources
Advantages: Provides more control and consistency across the organization.
Disadvantages: Can inhibit flexibility and responsiveness; can decrease effective communication.
Advantages: Allows for more direct contact between HR and other functions and facilitates communication and responsiveness.
Disadvantages: Lack of consistency among HR policies and standards.
Advantages: Facilitates consistency between headquarters policy and practices and implementation in business units.
Disadvantages: Can isolate headquarters HR from business realities perceived by all staff and employees.
Advantages: Promotes strategic alignment between headquarters and units.
Disadvantages: Isolation of dedicated HR units and loss of shared knowledge and experience; may lead to duplications and inefficiencies.
Advantages: Offers expertise efficiently, reducing the load of transactional activity in favor of value-creating activity.
Disadvantages: Risks underuse of service centers when their existence is not widely known.
Shared Services
Advantages: Takes advantage of digital communications to create networks of experts in the organization.
Disadvantages: Similar to shared services, risks underuse when its existence is not widely known
Center of Excellence (COE)
Advantages: Allows business partners to acquire a deeper understanding of the business and enables HR to better support organizational efforts.
Disadvantages: Can be difficult to define roles and responsibilities for business partners, who may become a scapegoat from employees in both areas for issues that occur.
Business Partners
Advantages: Works well when pressures originate from multiple areas or when the work is complex (such as setting benefit policies equitably between employee groups in different locations).
Disadvantages: Blurred reporting relationships, time constraints, and increased workload may result. Opportunity for conflict between senior management of HR and business areas.
Advantages: Helps HR consider all areas when making decisions by avoiding the tendency to consider only local issues.
Disadvantages: Can increase the opportunities for miscommunication or failure to recognize particular cultural norms if not done carefully.
Global Resouces
The goal of the __________ structure is to ensure standardized HR policies and processes throughout the organization. ____________ HR also allows large organizations to create efficiencies in the delivery of HR services.
In _________ HR, each part of the organization controls its own HR issues. Strategy and policy may still be made at headquarters, with HR staff within each function, business unit, or location carrying out the required activities.
_________ HR provides more control and consistency across the organization, but it can also inhibit flexibility and responsiveness and can decrease effective communication. ____________ HR allows for more direct contact between HR and other functions and facilitates communication and responsiveness. The downside can be a lack of consistency among HR policies and standards. This is especially a challenge for global organizations that would like the economies and clarity of global HR policies and processes but are aware of the need to adapt to local cultures, laws, and business practices.
Centralized, Decentralized
In a _____ HR organization, headquarters HR is staffed with _____ who craft policies. HR _____, who may be located within divisions or other locales, implement these policies, adapt them as needed, and interact with employees. This type of organization is often found in the least _____, but not necessarily small, organizations.
Functional, Specialists, Generalists, Diversified.
A ______ HR structure allows organizations with different strategies in multiple units to apply HR expertise to each unit’s specific strategic needs.
_____ HR articulates basic HR values, develops tools to be used by the organizational-level HR functions, and creates programs aimed at enhancing global literacy and leadership skills. The business unit HR staff develops local policies and practices.
_______ ________ HR model. This model is frequently used in organizations with multiple business units. Rather than having to develop its own expertise in every area, each unit can supplement its resources by selecting what it needs from a menu of _____ ______ (usually transactional) that the units agree to ______.
Shared Services, shared
Common processes folded into shared service centers include _____, procurement, accounts payable/receivable, _____ expenses, _____ benefits enrollment, and _____ administration.
Payroll, travel, health, pension
_____ ______ ______ deliver savings and increased productivity by locating similar, more transactional processes in one location.
Shared Service Centers
_____ ______ ________ aim at leveraging strategic expertise in the organization to foster growth and continuous improvement.
Center of Excellence
______ _______ are typically embedded in different areas of the business, reporting directly to managers within those areas and with “dotted line” reporting retained with HR. This allows business partners to better focus on specific business areas and tasks and to better understand and support those areas; it provides managers in the areas with a better understanding of the role and capabilities of the HR function.
Business Partners
How are matrix and business partners reporting differently?
Matrix reports to other business areas through the HR senior management positions while business partners report directly to managers in the other business areas.
What is outsourcing?
a third-party vendor provides selected activities
What is Co-sourcing?
a third party provides dedicated services to HR often locating contractors within HR’s organization.
HR activities that are not strategic but are resource-intensive or that require specialized expertise are candidates for ______ or _____.
Outsourcing or co-sourcing
What is HRO?
Human Resource Outsourcing
_____ can provide cost savings for an organization, but there is a loss of managerial control. _____can be more expensive than _____g, but there is more managerial control over the contractor.
Outsourcing and Co-sourcing, outsourcing
When HR uses a third-party contractor it retains responsibility for a third-party contractor’s?
Practices and ethical behavior
What process is - analyze needs and define goals?
What process is - Define the budget?
What process is - Create a request for proposal (RFP)?
What process is - Send RFP (request for proposal) to the chosen contractors?
What process is - Evaluate contractor proposals?
What process is - Choose a contractor?
What process is - Negotiate a contract?
What process is - Implement the project and monitor the schedule?
What process is - evaluate the project?
At the Analyze needs and define goals stage of the outsourcing process, what is being defined?
Project goals and expectations
In what part of the outsourcing process provides a look at the expected financial return on investments?
Define the budget stage
An _____ _____ ______ is a written request asking contractors to propose solutions and prices that fit the customer’s requirements.
Request for Proposals