HR Legal Requirements And Managing ADiversity Flashcards
Government role in HR
Federal and provincial laws regulate employee employer relationship
Responsibility of HR specialist
Stay update with law
Develop and administer program to ensure compliance
Managing diversity
Charter of rights and freedom
Charter provide fundamental right to every Canadian
guarantee equality before the law
human rights act
provide equal employment opportunities without race, colour , age , sex ,
Federal”law prohibiting discrimination
Passed by parliament/enforced-federal human rights commission
applied to employers under federal jurisdiction
Provincial law enforced-provincial human rights commission-provincial jurisdiction employers
Directs &indirect discrimination
Direct-on grounds specified in human rights legislation
Indirect-company policy practice that are not intentionally -but discriminatory effect
Eg. minimum height
Bona fideoccupaational requirement(BFOR)
Justified business reason for describing ring against a member of protected class
Duty to accommodate
Requirement that an employer must accommodate the employee to the point of undue hardship
Prohibited grounds of describing toon
Race and colour National and ethnicity Religion Gender identity Sex sexual orientation Age Married Disability Pardoned convict
Treating an employee in a disparate manner bcoz of sex , race, religion ,age
Sexual harassment
Unwelcome sex or gender based conduct that has adverse employment consequence for the complainant
Enforcement of Human rights act
Canadian human rights commission (CHRC)
Employment equity
equal employment opportunity Women Disabled Visible minority Aboriginal people
Employment equity act 1987
Abella commission
Passed by federal government 1987
federal law to remove employment barriers and to promote equality
Employment equity amendment 1996
Employers are responsible for providing reasonable accommodation
Eg sign language interpreter for deaf interview
Functional impact of employment equity
Hr plans Job description Recruiting Selection Training Performance appraisal Compensation program