HPM 10.10 Flashcards
what type of appraisals are crucial to achieving the purpose and objective of the performance appraisal system.
Consistent, timely, and unbiased
Continued unsatisfactory performance in any critical task___ultimately result in administrative action which may include, but is not limited to, rejection during the probationary period, removal from a specialized assignment, and/or adverse action.
Personal characteristics essential to critical tasks and performance factors are:
(a) Dependability.
(b) Accuracy.
(c) Good Judgment.
(d) Courtesy.
(e) Initiative.
a. Halo or Horns Effect
b. Lenient or Harsh Effect
c. Central Tendency Effect.
d. Similar-to-Me Effect
e. Contrast Effect.
f. First or Last Impression Effect.
g. Stereotype Effect.
(a) Core Competency Model. The CaIHR Core Competency Model identifies ten competencies essential to developing a successful employee. The core competencies are a guideline for developing and maintaining self-leadership.
1 Adaptability. 2 Collaboration. 3 Communication. 4 Customer Engagement. 5 Digital Fluency. 6 Ethics and Integrity. 7 Fostering Diversity. 8 Innovative Mindset. 9 Interpersonal Skills. 10 Resilience.
(b) Leadership Competency Model. The CaIHR Leadership Competency Model identifies six competencies essential to developing a successful leader. The leadership competencies are a guideline for developing and maintaining team leadership.
1 Business Acumen. 2 Inspirational Leadership. 3 Results-Driven. 4 Stewardship. 5 Talent Management. 6 Vision and Strategic Thinking.
The CHP 14 (LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PLAN) shall be retained by the command for a period of _____ from the original date of discussion.
one year
The CHP has adopted the ______ in developing a departmental LDP.
CaIHR Core Competency Model and Leadership Competency Model
The supervisor shall print the CHP 14, and the employee, supervisor, and reviewer shall sign and date Section C—Signatures within ____of the annual performance evaluation.
30 days
The employee, with assistance from their immediate supervisor, ___complete Section A—Competencies of the CHP 14.
The employee and supervisor shall review the CHP 14 at the end of each ___ following the initial date of discussion to determine the employee’s progress toward meeting the LDP.
d. The annual performance appraisal shall be completed and submitted to Human Resources Section (HRS), Personnel Files Services (PFS), within _____ following the officer’s anniversary date. The probationary reports shall be completed within ____ of the end of 4 months, 8 months, and 12 months, and submitted to HRS, PFS.
60 days
10 days
While most officers are capable of achieving excellence, few officers are likely to be rated as Excellent, this is a rating that requires clear and convincing ______ evidence of sustained outstanding performance.
A rating of Deficient is reserved for performance where there is a clear, _____ need for improvement.
A rating of Deficient will always result in the initiation of _______
interim reporting.
(a) An officer’s performance of the critical tasks is to be rated on the three-point system
(Excellent, Proficient, and Needs Improvement).
Comments by the supervisor are mandatory for any ratings of
Excellent or needs Improvement.
(e) The supervisor’s comments shall _______________ relevant officer performance issues occurring during the month. Generalized statements or nonspecific language shall not be used.
be specific and clearly document
The supervisor ____enter an occupational safety tip for the officer’s review each month.
Comments on the CHP 100, whether positive or negative, _______ made as soon as possible after performance is observed by the supervisor.
should be
(b) The completed CHP 100s for previous annual evaluation periods shall be maintained for _____, in a separate folder, filed adjacent to the field personnel folder.
five years
c A probationary officer is not to complete the probationary period with a ____ rating for any critical task
b If an officer has had a continuous period of absence of____, the probationary period may be extended to provide sufficient time to evaluate the employee’s performance.
60 or more working days
If an officer has not worked the required____ hours for the probationary period due to absences, the period will be extended.
A transfer CHP 118 is _____ required to be prepared.
When an officer is off duty 30 consecutive calendar days or more because of illness, injury, or leave of absence, the officer’s appraisal will be extended ___ additional months after returning to work.
If at any time during the rating period an officer’s performance of a specified critical task(s) does not meet performance standards and other supervisory techniques have not brought about satisfactory performance (such as counseling, corrective memoranda, CHP 100s, etc.), the officer ___ be placed on interim reporting and a CHP 118 shall be initiated.
A single low rating on a CHP 100 in a 12-month period does not necessarily mean an officer should be placed on interim reporting. However, a single
_________ rating on the CHP 118 would be cause for such action.
interim reporting plan shall include:
a A discussion of the specific problem area(s).
b A description of all performance objectives set.
c Methods outlined to reach objectives.
d Controls involved.
e Time frames for follow-up.
2 A probationary officer is not to complete the probationary period if a ____ rating is identified in any critical task.
The CHP 118 shall be retained in the field personnel folder for:
current plus four years