How To Solve A Problem Like Eukaryagenesis? Flashcards
Early tree of life analysis
Suggested that eukaryotic primary branch was amitochondrial
The Archezoa hypothesis
- stepwise model of eukaryotic evolution
- Eukaryotes sister to archaea
- deep branching amitochondriates were primitively amitochondrial
Deep branching amitochondriates
- Microsporidia
- Trichomonas
- Giardia
- Entamoeba
- minimised/partial EM
- smaller ribosomes
Archaezoal demise
- mitochondrial protein import genes show α-proteobacterial ancestry
- Microsporidia: mitochondria-derived compartment
- Trichomonas vaginalis
- Entamoeba histolytica
- Nosema locustae
- Encephalitozoan cuniculis
- mtHSP70 localisation
- iron-sulphur cluster biosynthesis
Secondary mitochondrial reduction
- gets rid of ETC, keep iron-sulphur cluster biosynthesis
- conserved characteristics
- mitosomes (Microsporidia)
- hydrogenosomes (hydrogen generation)
- nearly every lineage has retained some form of mitochondrial relic (not Entaemoba; branching pattern not ancestral)
- large scale loss of organelle system and proteome is tolerated
Acquired iron-sulphur cluster biosynthesis from archaea via alternative cytoplasmic mechanism
All amitochondriates tested are
Secondarily amitochondrial
Phagotrophic origin hypothesis
- EM -> phagotrophy: catalysed eukaryagenesis
1) loss of rigid cell wall
2) flexible surface membrane
3) membrane internalisation
4) EM
5) Phagotrophy
6) endosymbiosis
- phagocytosis for the purpose of feeding
- complex EM
- protein targeting to lysosome for phagosome fusion
- gene transfer ratchet
Doolittle’s Hypothesis
1) bacterium digestion by phagotrophy
2) genome incorporation
3) loss ; resident archael copy; new bacterial copy
4) fixation/ loss by drift
5) successful / failed replacement
- potential explanation for prokaryotic origins of cytoplasmic metabolic proteome
Hydrogen Hypothesis
- mitochondria early: provides energetic capacity for diversification
- α-proteobacterial endosymbiosis arose from anaerobic/hydrogen syntrophy w/archael cell
- catalyst for eukaryagenesis
HH predictions
2) anaerobic pathway (hydrogenase, PFO) ancestral of α-proteobacterial endosymbiosis
2) α-proteobacteria underwent HGT
3) power available per cell + gene number ^^