How To Answer Any Q Flashcards
First look at the question with further physics and ask for assumptions
So assume no evaporation occurs, assume same mass distribution and g is constsnt etc
Then draw diagrams to make it easier in different cases
For example draw a diagram of befor and after WITHOUT ANY PHYSICS FIRST
Then make a sense of what’s happening
So talk through thoughts in head and what you expect to happen before it acc happens, and what your answe will depend on
Write a statement and move in
Now do the physics and a,the, state principles , lay down variables and make equations
Now if it reaches state,ent, then come to a conclusion
Remember world done = force x distance of object moved in direction if force
Thus f sin theta
Always draw force diagram first
Young modulus
F=kx is booked law, a spring extension is proprtinsl to firce applied until a limit of proptinal it’s
Then the gradient is spring constsnt or stiffness
In parallel springs , as force is halved or sitirbuted, the new spring constsnt is addition , as half force given ti both
But series same force given to both so they both extend, so series spring constsnt gets smaller using parallel rule
Extends until proprtinsl limit, then elastic limit, then after that I elastic and any work done area is used to deform the thing = plastic ferirmatjin
Energy = 1/2 f x , which is 1/2 kx2 if sun f for kx
It’s the same for young modulus, 1/f fx m need to rearrange those
May have to it egrets
Deforming and loading
Loading is what happens when firce applie,d unloading when removed
For a spring this should be same, until you go last elastic limit, it will return to deformed area because of atom binding and area is used to deform
Rubber is hysterics graph, it doesn’t deform, but energy is given out as heat when deforms ti orig a, kefntg
More work is done when stretching, then is r,erased when letting go, thermal energy released, so rubber thing, need to cool so pressure equalsie
Young modulis
Stress / strain, where stress is force / area and strain is x/ L
For a metal
This is a prototype thst regsrdless of dimensions will be a thing for each object, a special protects
- originally it extends according according ti hooked law, then it no longer portions until it reaches a point. Elastic limit
- here there are yield points, where the alloy big atoms unlock from small, leading ti accelrwtion and thus easier to extend so less force so goes down, then it locks again
- now it just oaksticlsly deforms until UTS point, this is max stress it can take before breaking now
- past this, it thins necking, similar to where plastering pulled, and it stenches very easily so goes down u til ti just breaks
Other stress stain groans
Iron and glass
They just break , and don’t reach any yew points
For metal
Okay and area is energy density, energy stored per unit volume = similar to stress so if they give modules can work spout strjan
Is it always good to have high young modules for enginerring?
No = aerolpkane wants made form aluminium alloy that is string and stiff so high young modules
And for example car numbers need to deform quick ti reduce time for change if moentum
Normal Newtonian pair ?
You exert reaction force down and it enters one up
Reason why no accelrwtion this plane is because nrowml from ground is equal to weight
Until there is accelrwtion snd this changes
When you jump to earth whey doesn’t earth move to you
It does
But because earth inertia so big, it resists this accelrwtion more and doesn’t seem like anything baoloend
Is a vector quantity
Is always conserved
Total momentum before = momentum after
Principle is for a system of interacting objects, the total momentum in a specified direction and
plane is constsnt, as long as no external forces act or the system !
For a gun providing no external force, the bullet and gun is the system with koentum zero
When you shoot buller in velocity, go;will she to recoil so monetum is conserved.
Elastic collision is where kinetic energy is conserved , and I least if is where ke isnt, transferred to other forms
In an elastic collision, one will stop and otherkeep going, or two at same speed will collide and bounce off
Easktic only if a same mass I believe
Both cases total energy still conserved yh , and momentum tok ofc
Second law is rate of change if meontu
When crash your momentum gins go from something to 0 confirmed, you want the time taken to be huge so that force is less, so air bags seatbelt bumper deform to save you
He is koentum always conserved in collision or two interacting
Basically two interacting, the net force of the overall system is 0
So the change if momentum rate must be 0
Thus change in momentum gotta be 0, so koentum is conserved