How effectively did the nazis control Germany 1933-1945 (Dates) Flashcards
enabling act was passed
23 march 1933
may 1933
trade unions banned- forced to join german workers party
july 1933 Ger=
1 party state- all other political parties banned
what year were the berlin olympics
what year were the edelweiss pirates hung and who were they?
rebellious youth group
which protestant leader found himself in a concentration camp and during what year
Martin Niemoller- 1938-1945
April 1923- Sa did what?
Boycott jewish business
non aryan sacked (1000’s jews + civil servents)
Summer 1933- Jews had to…
wear placards
victimes of organised crime
15th September 1935
Nuremburg laws- taking away basic human rights bc jewish
12th November 1938
eliminate jews from econ life.
16th November 1938 (jew children
not allowed to attend Ger school- all jewish students expelled
3rd december 1938 jew banned…
from theatres shows ect + most prominent streets in berlin
January 1939 (wear)
jews had to wear the star of david
1939 which programme
5000 mentally handicap children killed
1939-1941 =
72000 mental ill patients gasses
November 1938= (paris) after that…
jewish boy kills german diplomat in paris
JANUARY 1942 (wanna see)
the final solution
autumn 1941
mass shootings