how do organisations mange international security? Flashcards
what is an international organisation?
- based on formal instrument of agreement between governments of nation states
- include 3 or more nations
- common purpose
- global, intercontinental, regional
- permanent secretariat
exemplify organisations formed on:
A - Geographic basis
B - Functional basis
C - Mixed basis
what is an important qualification to make about the power of institutions?
- they are only as powerful as member states will allow them to be in terms of how much sovereignty they want to give up
how do realists see IOs? How?
Realists see IOs as instruments
how do liberals see IOs? How?
- Liberals see IOs as arenas
- they provide forums for meetings and increased transparancy, a stage for states to make own views known, seek status and build consensus
how do constructivists see IOs? How?
- constructivists see IOs as actors
- they are autonomous agents in world politics, they have effects on the international system that are dependent on their member states
what are the empirical implications of IOs exemplified?
- NATO and EU membership conditionality
- OSCE and UN state building
- WTO and trade rules
- NATO pushes all members to spend 2% GDP on defence
how can IOs promote security?
- states will agree not to attack one another and to defend each other against attack of another state
(e. g. EU, LofN)
describe the OSCE (organisation for cooperation and security in Europe)
- Established 1973
- ## related to 1975 Helsinki act (33 European states, US and Canada agree on three dimensions of political, economic and environmental security)
describe the United nations
- founded 1945 (50 states)
- Chapter VI peaceful dispute settlement
- Passage of resolution requires 9/15 votes including no P5 vetoes, UN members are expected to comply with decisions of security council
the UN commissioner for refugees has how many staff?
- 5000 helping 20 million people
the Organisation of American states supported peace processes where?
- Nicaragua, Haiti and Guatemala
Describe successes of international organisations
- peaceful end to the cold war
- peaceful NATO enlargement
- promotion of global norms
- no conflicts comparable to world wars
what have been failures of international organisations
- lack of agreement on criteria for use of force / R2P
- Kosovo, Iraq, Ukraine all had unauthorised uses of force
when was ASEAN established and why?
- ASEAN was established in 1967 with tackling TOC as a primary goal
- Romos (Phillippine president 1997) “the concept of regional security should be extended beyond the mere absence of armed conflict”
- 1997 was just limited to handling drug abuse / illegal trafficking
Muller notes that the UN defines TOC how?
- “offences whose inception, prevention and or/direct threats involved more than one country
the UN defines how many different categories of TOC, name some
- 18 different categories
- Including money laundering, terrorism and computer crime
- Europol July 1999
- 1923 Interpol (176 member states)
Naples ministerial conference on organised crime in November 1994 led to what?
- Naples political declaration and global action against organised TOC.
what did McFarlane and McLennan say in 1996 about TOC and security threat?
- “transnational crime is now emerging as a serious security threat in its own right to national and international security and stability”
Who said that the defining security concern of the 21st century will be transnational crime?
- Galeotti
what did bill clinton say about TOC?
- jeopardises peace and freedom
- undermines fragile new democracies
- saps strength from developing countries
how did the USA set a way to undertake the WOT?
- constructed a threat so that it could pursue a more traditional approach
- Buzan ‘actors who securitise issues by declaring something a referent object, existential threat’ (copenhagen school sees security as a socially constructed concept)
quote from obama on preventative use of force
- “the preventative use of force may be necessary but rarely” 2008
quote form Obama VP on preventative force
- “strike to act preventatively, not pre-emptively, to avoid war and the dangers of inaction
the UN doesnt see preventative force as self defence?
- preventative action may promote first strike attack
How have France and Britain acted hypocritically before/
- Suez, shows the countries trying to keep colonial posession of Suez canal 1956
exemplify how motives can sometimes be seen as superior with Israel and Vietnam
- Vietnam criticised for being in Cambodia too long in 1978 when it removed Khmer Rouge
- However when Israel saved passengers from Entebbe airport it was deemed ok because they kept to a narrow objective
- Israel criticised for bombing Iraq Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981 but it was deeply criticised. However when they did the same thing to Syrian potential reactor in 2007 Israel was hardly criticised
what conclusion may be drawn about preventative force?
- it is widely used however generally regarded as illegal
exemplify a trouble around article 51, the right to self defence?
(the international court of human justice has continually supported / helped to protect terrorists, perpetrators and irresponsibles states
- ICJ rejected El Salvadorian claim to defence against Nicaragua which was aiding rebels seeking to undermine the government
- or legally Israel is not allowed to build up defence against non state actors or take other self defence measures on any territory beyond its accepted borders
- Uganda 2005 could not legally protect itself from rebels attacking from republic of congo because they were not sent by a government
What did the secretary general in high level panel say in 2004 report that implied you can adopt the legitimacy of an action even when it is not legal?
- “a set of agreed guidelines going directly not to whether force can be legally used but if as a matter of good conscience it should be”
Un denial of weapons to abused victims in Yugoslavia was ?
- illegal but illegitimate
NATO intervention in Kosovo was ?
- illegal but legitimate
What does the UN charter mean for state security?
- sovereignty enshrined.