Gender Flashcards
Why does gender link to human security?
- freedom from want (economic and social well being)
what is the difference between problem solving knowledge and emancipation?
- problem solving knowledge like realism is conservative (wants to know what exists at present)
- emancipatory knowledge focus on power and domination to liberate humanity
(e. g. ISIS, rich / poor, gender, race)
What is the gist of gender in IR?
- no women, no peace (never occupied an important space)
how could you justify that women are less inclined to war?
- public approval ratings in UK for Afghanistan war were lowest among women and for drone strikes
- women often been involved in peace movements
How can you counter argument for women in war?
- 21st century = women now utilised
- e.g. US marine corps for females 15% of military are women
what did Loraine code say about patriarchy?
- ‘it is right and proper for men to command and women to obey’
Eric M Blanchard said what about women wanting to gain office>
- Generally helps to have military experience but women cant get this
What two types of feminism did Code distinguish between?
- standpoint feminism and radical feminism
- standpoint is the gendered construction of knowledge
Who said that feminism can never be a single voice because it comes in many forms?
- Diana Thornburn
Which to theorists said that theory and IR itself was biased and male centred?
- Tickner and Griffith
what did Enloe write? It’s a question
- where are the women?
what does radical feminism say?
- radical feminism states that women have not been neglected but that their achievements are not recognised enough in terms of contributions to IR
what did tessler and warriner find about the correlation between women and war?
- those who wanted equality were less inclined to war
why does feminism stem from a critique of realism?
- they say realism emphasises state role too much
What is the feminist critique of liberalism? What does Jacqui true say?
- economic inequalities of free trade
- Jacqui True says that globally women are disadvantaged only having 1% of property globally but making up 60% of work force
- Can there really be equality when leaders are themselves from patriarchy?
why does hilary Charlesworth critique formal international norms like the Beijing declaration?
- She says that there is no definition of gender and an inability to secure benchmarks to asses success/progress
who argues that feminism should not be a separate theory in IR when you consider its relationship with realism and liberalism?
- Ruiz