How accurate is EWT? Key Question Flashcards
The MSM makes it less reliable because
info is only stored in STM for 15-30 secs therefore EWT are unlikely to remember accurately
Reconstructive memory makes it less reliable because
memory isn’t like a tape recorder, confabulation and rationalisation are used which means recall isn’t accurate. Schemas impact recall - leading questions
Palombo et al believes individual differences make it less reliable because
gender and mental health can impact memory so EWT can be inaccurate as two people of different genders may have different recall of the event
Tulvig 1972 and Godden and Baddeley suggest that cues
aid recall so EWT should be taken back to the crime scene
WMM makes it less reliable because
crime may not be deemed as significant enough for CE to focus on it, cocktail party effect
Levels of processing, Craik and Lockhart 1972 supports EWT because
Processing deeply means more is remembered and so if it is a personal crime, they may process more deeply
MSM would suggest that if EW repeats
info to multiple people then they will be rehearsint it and allowing the info to enter the LTM
EWT weapon focus is when a weapon is used
the victim focusses on it because they feel threatened so their recall is poor
However, when a weapon was replaced with celery, people still only focussed on it which suggests
it was because it was unusual
How could we improve the reliability of EWT?
Don't use leading questions Take poeple back to the crime scene Report to police asap Put them back into the same state if possible Don't wait too long to question them
Cognitive interview?
recreate context, report everything even if it seems irrelivent, recall in different orders and report from different perspectives
Geiselman et al (1985) found that the cognitive interview produced
40% more correct details than the standard police interview
Negatives of cognitive interviews?
Time consuming
Need competent officers
Difficult for smaller crimes
Difficult with traumatised witnesses
Why is EWT important?
Jurors are more likely to rely on EWT than scientific evidence. Outcome of trail dependent on EWT. May leave perpetrator to commit more crimes and wrongly convict.
What is EWT?
Refers to the recalled memory of a witness to a crime or incident
How is an EWT recorded?
As a police interview or as a verbal testimony to be used as evidence in a court of law