House of Godwins Flashcards
Harold Godwinson was Earl of the wealthiest earldom – which
was………….. .This gave him hundreds of Thegns to fight for him
The Godwins were wealthier than Edward- his income was about 6000, theirs
was…. . In 1064 the only non Godwinson earldom was Mercia.
Harold had an unofficial ‘Danish marriage ‘ to Edith ‘ ….. neck’ She was a
powerful landowner in East Anglia . This gave him support from East Anglia
The Godwins had great military might & could reward followers after successful
crushing of Welsh rebellions in …… , taking the head of
in 1055 and 63
Harold’s sister was married to Edward the Confessor.In …. Harold married Edith,
the sister of the Earls of Mercia and ……securing him support in the north
In … Mercians rose up against Harold’ half brother , Tostig. Harold backed… , the
earl of Northumbria’s brother to take charge- putting peace& security ahead of
family & showing his fitness to rule
Harold’s embassy to Normandy in …. is significant as it shows he was
a trusted advisor to who? Why he was sent id disputed-
Harold’s ship was blown of course he was taken prisoner by Guy of Ponthieu.
William got him released & they fought together- with Harold accepting gifts of
Chain mail
The embassy was used to boost William’s claim to the throne.The Bayeaux tapestry
shows Harold as an …& so unfit to be King after accepting W as King when E died
Oath breaker
Edward told Harold & the earls to back Tostig and stop the uprising.
However Harold met with the rebels and agreed who would be earl ?
Backing Morcar meant more support succeeding Ed. The powerful earl of
where would now back him. It also removed a rival- his half brother , Tostig
Harold backed Morcar as he was backed by Northumbrians and better able
to organise defences against possible & probable attack by Scotland or..
Harold did not want trouble with Northumbrians & maybe Mercians- he
needed a united Kingdom & their support to take over when ……. died