Host-Parasite Part 1 Flashcards
Define parasite
- Lives in host organism
- Benefits from depriving nutrients
Name 2 types of parasite
1. Obligate parasite
* Completely depends on host to survive- reproduction, growth and development
* Host complete life cycle
2. Faculatitive parasite
* Can live independently of a host
* But has ability to parasitize host when opportunitu arises
* Host does not need to complete life cycle
Groups of Parasitive organisms
Live inside host cell
Endoparasite: Protist - Trypanosoma brucei (T.brucei)
- microparasite
- Relies on third organisms to aid transmission and complete life cyle
- Vector/carrier = tsetse fly
- > feeds on infected host (cattle, human or horses)
- > T.brucie enters bloodstream of tsetfy
- > rapidly mutlplies and migrates to salivary glands
- Upon feeding again, tsetse injects the protist (saliva) into host and infects it
- Protist undergoes different stages in life cycle
- > correlated progress of disease
What are parasitic worms called?
Helminths are considered as?
Name the 3 types of Helminths?
- Tapeworm (cestodes)
- Fluke (Trematodes)
- Roundworm (Nematodes)
Give example of Tapeworm and what it infects?
- Long segmented body
- Cysticerous (Pork tape worm)
- > Young/intermediate
- Affects brain,eyes, muscles and skin
- Adult
- > affects gut
Give example of Fluke and what it infects?
- Flat leaf-like
- Genus schistosoma
- > blood vessel (host)
- Fasciola
- > liver/lung
- > intermediate only resides in snails
Give example of roundworks and where it resides in host?
- Elongated, cylinderical structure
- Heatworm
- > pulmonary artery ->dogs
- Gives rise to cardiovascular issues
Define ectoparasites
- parasites that live on surface/skin/outgrowth of skin
* Ticks
* Mites
* Fleas
* Lice
Helminths and Protozoa are what group of organisms?
> cellular complexity
> difficult to treat infections
What relationship do parasites have with their host organism?
- Symbiotic relationship
Why go parasite generally have complex life cycles?
- Have different developmental forms
- changes in morphology > structure and form
- challenging target for immune recognition and treatment
- Contributes to disease progression
Key features of parasites
- Ability to evade immune system
- High antigen complexity and specificity to host cell
- Limited lethaliy - does not aim to kill the host
- > as parasite depends on host cells well being
- > Evolved with hosts and its immune system
Why are parasite able to stay in host for a long time?
- Evades immune system
- Avoids immune destruction