2017/18-Essay 1 Flashcards
Invasion Tropism of Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli: Facilitating Toxin Dissemination to Different Organs
Introduce the question
Describe the invasion tropism shown by **enterohaemorrhagic E. coli **in the small and large intestine and **how **this facilitates toxin dissemination to different organs.
- Strain of E.coli
- causes sever gastrointestinal infections in humans
- Key characteristic = Shiga toxins
- Result: life threatening condition (HUS)
- > Haemolytic uremic syndrome
- Achieves colonisation+ toxin dissemination exibiting invasion tropisms (small and large intestines) discussed in this essay.
Invasion Tropism in the Small Intestine: GB3 and T3SS
Paragraph 1
Describe the invasion tropism shown by **enterohaemorrhagic E. coli **in the small and large intestine and **how **this facilitates toxin dissemination to different organs.
Small Intestine
* Bacteria- specialised surface appendages
* structure>pilli and fimbriae
* why>attach to and colonise intestinal mucosa
* How>GB3 receptor small intestine (highly expressed surface of intestinal epithelial cells)
Upon attachment…
Type III secretion system
* (T3SS)- inject effector proteins ->host cells
* function of protein> manipulate hosts cytoskeleton, induce formation of actin pedestals beneath the attached bacteria
* Why pedestal formation? >EHECs - avoid peristalsis + remain attached to intestinal epithelium (enhances colonization and persistence)
Invasion tropism in the large intestine: M cells
Paragraph 2
Describe the invasion tropism shown by **enterohaemorrhagic E. coli **in the small and large intestine and **how **this facilitates toxin dissemination to different organs.
Large Intestine
* Diff environemental conditions compared to small intestine
* Facilitated by M (microfold) cells interactions that overlie the lymphoid follicles of Peyer’s patches
* role> antigen sampling, immune response initiation, uptake of pathogens (EHEC)
* EHEC shown to exploit M cell sampling function > access to underlying tissues
* crossing intestinal barrier
* EHEC> interact w/immune cells and disseminate through bloodstream ->systemic infections
Toxin Dissemination to Different Organs
Paragraph 3
Describe the invasion tropism shown by **enterohaemorrhagic E. coli **in the small and large intestine and **how **this facilitates toxin dissemination to different organs.
Different Organs
* Virulence factor: Shiga toxins (Stx)
* Once established in the intestines (produces shiga toxin)
* Shiga toxin: target cells expressing GB3 receptor
* >abundant in endothelial cells of various organs- Kidneys, Brain, and Pancreas
* Complication: Haemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS)
* Shiga toxins: eneter blood stream, bind to GB3 receptors
* On renal endothelial cells
* Causes damage to small blood vessels
* >triggers cascade of events > HUS
* Neurological complication
* > seizures and encephalopathy
* Shiga toxin cross blood-brain barrier
* Affect neurons, glial cells (GB3 receptors)
* Contribute neurological damage
* Impaired insulin secretion
* Disrupton to blood glucose regulation
Summary and Importance
Describe the invasion tropism shown by **enterohaemorrhagic E. coli **in the small and large intestine and **how **this facilitates toxin dissemination to different organs.
- Vital role in pathogenesis
- Targeting specific recdeptors on intestinal epithelium
- Exploiting M cell interaction
- EHEC gain entry to bloodstream, disseminated Shiga toxins
- Causing life threatning complications
Understanding mechanism Importance
* Development of effective treatment
* Preventative strategies against dangerous pathogen