Hospice/Palliative Care Flashcards
what is an advance directive
written instructions before need of med trt
allows informed consent when no longer able to give
refusal/agreement of trt
types of advance directives
living will durable power of attorney DNR DNI DNH (hospitalize) Tissue/Organ Donation
advance directives - 1 approach, 5 wishes
person i want to make decisions if i cant kind of med trt i want or don't want how comfortable i want to be how i want people to trt me what i want loved ones to know
what is POLST
physicians orders for life sustaining treatment, began in91
is POLST a living will
what is palliative care
decreased severity of symptoms, not cure
trt symptoms not the disease
doesn’t hasten or postpone death - regards dying as normal process
beyond the hospital - spreading to the community
primary goal of palliative care
optimal quality of life - comfort (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual)
secondary intention of palliative care
quantity of life
can you still receive curative trt while receiving palliative care
is hospice a form of palliative care
yes - more supportive than palliative
focus of hospice
caring, not curing - quality of life
hospice requires
physician certifies terminal illness (less than 6 mos)
hospice team
benefits of hospice
pain/symptom mgmt less hospitalizations fewer procedures increased care bereavement support up to 13 months
eligibility for hospice
weight loss (sudden, progressive) infection (freq) hospitalizations (freq) chg in mental status decline in ADL poor endurance (increasing) cxr dx w/o trt profound weakness/fatigue difficulty swallowing inability to take food/fluid pt wants no more trt
most hospice care is received
in the home
benefit period for hospice
90 days, 90 days, unlimited 60 days
4 levels of hospice care
routine - not in crisis, conventional type
inpatient - controlled environment for monitoring
respite - provides caregiver breaks
continuous care - adjustment to crises period in home
hospice documentation for medicare
document to the decline - why services are needed, why they are paying for services
care planning
who must certify patient at terminally ill
attending and hospice medical director - BOTH