hormones and aggression (pack 3) Flashcards
what researcher found a difference between girls and boys in aggression and testosterone
Maccoby and Jacklin
dozens of lab and field experiments across cultures that boys are more aggressive than girls
men- violent offences
women- property offences
what is there a great deal of in teenage years with testosterone
inter-male fighting
What did Barzman et al look into to do with correlational research with humans
hormone ( cortisol) in saliva of 7-9 year olds in psych hospitals
measured testosterone and cortisol levels
what did Dabbs et al look into and find
testosterone levels in prisoners of non-violent and violent offenders
found were higher in violent offenders
what researcher beginning with O look into and find?
boys who had higher levels of testosterone were more irritable and more likely to respond to being provoked
What researcher did a lab experiment with Rodents and what did he find?
observed aggression levels of male mice
after castration aggression levels dropped and when injected w testosterone they rose back to pre-castration
what three things other than aggression is testosterone levels linked with
increased competitiveness to WIN
Enhance the thrill experienced with risk taking
aids male bonding and a motivation to protect own group and attack others
what other hormone is associated with aggression
what is cortisol’s function
managing stress levels
where is cortisol produced
adrenal glands
what are 3 strengths of using hormones as an explanation of aggression?
scientific cred is high- theories are falsifiable and testosterone travelling through the blood stream is directly observable
AND measurable in a quantifiable way (DABBS)
reductionist controls and are measured with extraneous variables under tight control
supporting evidence- well controlled lab experiments and can be replicated easily such as DABBS
application- chemical castration and a reduction in sexual fantasies
3 weaknesses of hormones as an explanation of aggression
scientific cred lowered- constrained by ethics and practical issues, largely correlational research
reductionism- focus only on hormones, only provides a partial biological explanation of what causes aggression
over emphasis on the role of nature and overlooks social learning…BANDURA (alternative theory)