Horizon Forbidden West Flashcards
When was Horizon Forbidden West released on the Playstation?
Burgess (2011) on Representation
“minority females are virtually absent in game
representations” and “minority males” are overrepresented as aggressive “thugs”
and “athletes”.
How does Social Learning Theory link to Horizon Forbidden West?
The game offers a range of positive role models.
What is the dominant reading of Horizon Forbidden West?
Praises the representations
of ethnicity encoded by the game’s designers.
What is the negotiated/oppositional reading of Horizon Forbidden West?
Accusing Guerilla of relying on racist tropes and
cultural appropriation.
Why is the binary opposition between the powerful
Sundom and the “primitive” tribes they tried to
conquer important?
It is similar to the discourse European imperialists
used to justify their civilising missions.