Homeopathy Flashcards
anxiety, panic
fear of death
sudden onset
hay fever, rhinitis with HA
profuse bland lacrimation, acrid nasal d/c
Allium cepa
inferiority, low self-esteem, worthless feelings
violence towards animals or people
shoulder angel and devil
amel. by eating
Anacardium orientale
bronchitis, wet rattling cough
milk agg. warm room agg.
blue lips, white tongue
Antimonium tartaricum
stinging burning pains
itching, hives
allergic reaction, orbital swelling
trauma, sprain, concussion remedy
bed is too hard, can’t get comfortable
afraid of being touched
anxiety with restlessness
burning pains, better with heat
gastritis, PUD, eczema, insomnia
Arsenicum album
severe depression, suicidality
high goals, business losses agg.
music amel.
emotional immaturity, childish, or mental handicap
shyness, need reassurance
dwarfish - small body parts, atrophy
Baryta carbonicum
hallucinations or convulsions during fever
fear of dogs
pulsating pains
craves lemons
worse from motion, jarring agg.
great thirst, large amount at great intervals
appendicitis, pneumonia, pleurisy
fear for health, fear of insanity
obese, exercise agg. d/t out of shape
crave sweets, eggs
constipation, cold clammy hands and feet
Calcarea carbonica
anger, irritability, sexual mania
burning pains - urination, brain, oropharynx
burn remedy
irritability, apathy, depression
desire for air / to be fanned
collapsed state, faint from sun, indigestion, infx
bloating, belching, heartburn
Carbo vegetabilis
sympathetic, averse to injustice, activist
chilly, better wet weather
Bell’s palsy, right side
mucus, cough, averse to sweets
irritable infants / children, inconsolable
abnormally sensitive to pain
one cheek red, one pale
angry child, averse authority
can’t be touched / looked at
pinworms, itchy rectum
irritable, sensitive, averse to light touch
fantasies of heroic deeds
fluid loss agg - diarrhea, lactation, hemorrhage
periodic fever, malaria, FHx of malaria
impatient, easily angered, restless
abdominal pains - bending, pressure amel.
right side sciatica
confused, dull, flat
tumors, enlarged glands, cancers
sexual suppression agg.
impotence with high sexual desire
dry throat, causes paroxysmal cough
talking, eating, lying down agg. cough
holds chest when coughing
cystitis, nocturnal enuresis, polyuria
greater urge with near-empty bladder
motion, pressure agg.
flu, fever, chills
bone pain, as if broken
extreme thirst for cold drinks, with chills
Eupatorium perfoliatum
bland rhinorrhea with burning pain
eyes burn, sun, heat agg.
daytime cough, allergic asthma
high fever of unknown origin
hemorrhages with bright red blood - epistaxis, pneumonia
burning eyes, as if sand under eyelids
Ferrum phos
stage fright, trembling, anticipation anxiety
vertigo and HA
chills that begin in feet and hands, run up/down back
lost in well-known places
throbbing HA, sun agg.
cracks, fissures where skin and membranes meet
thick, yellow, honey-like fluid eruptions
dull, slow to understand, poor memory
otitis media, hearing loss, better with background noise