Holy Week & Easter Flashcards
When does Easter take place?
It is a movable festivals that is celebrated at some point during Spring. It is linked to the Jewish festival of Peach or Passover.
What precedes Easter?
Holy Week
What does Easter celebrate?
The resurrection of Christ 3 days after his crucifixion.
What is the tone or mood of Holy Week?
It is the most solemn week in the Christian year.
What does Holy Week remember?
The last week of Jesus’ life
What day begins Holy Week?
Palm Sunday
What does Palm Sunday Commemorate?
Christ’s triumphant arrival in Jerusalem. (John 12).
Large crowds welcomed him waving palm leaves - this was the same crowd that shouted for his execution.
What is the symbolism behind Palm Sunday?
Christian Clergy use Palm Sunday to help people to think about their own faith and how they might be being hypocritical.
What happens on Palm Sunday?
Often large palm branches are carried in a procession. Small crosses are made out of palm leaf to symbolise the arrival in Jerusalem and the crucifixion on the cross. The palm crosses are the ones burnt on Ash Wednesday of the following year.
What is Maundy Thursday?
The Thursday before Easter when Christians remember the last supper.
Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and established the Eucharist (receiving of bread and wine - body and blood of Christ).
This was the night that Jesus was betrayed.
Where does the word Maundy come from?
The Latin - mandate - meaning command - this is the command given by Jesus to love one another.
What happened on Good Friday?
Jesus was crucified. This is sometimes called the Passion.
Where in the Bible will you find reference to Good Friday?
Luke 23, John 19, Mark 15
What does Easter commemorate?
The resurrection of Christ.
How important is Easter to Christians?
It is the most important festival.
This is because Jesus rose from the dead and in doing so promises salvation and forgiveness for all Christians.
Christians believe that the resurrection shows that Jesus is the light of the world and that it proves that he is the true Messiah (saviour)