Holodmer Flashcards
Three things that lead up to WWI
- Lack of Industry & Technology
- Mostly farming economy – much poverty & poor living conditions
vIEWSED AS A WEAK LEADER COUNDLT MANAGE - WWI and Rising Cost of bread/Goofs
- mil russians taken from arms to serve in WWI causing food shortages
1917- 1921
Russian Revoluation
WHta happen in the Russian Revolation
Russian communists violently ovethrew the government and installed communism which created mass proganda united workers.
By 1921 communists took total control of russia and began transforming the empire
The Soviet Union
The soviet union
Territores from eurpore to alsaks were under the control of communist Russa
They favored working class and cities
They looked down on peasantry and considered them inferior
They wanted to have all land food and good controlled by Bolsheviks
Bolsheviks what were they?
leftist part who sezierd power and destroyed the tradition of czarist rule(the old leader)
Later in 1922
Soviet Ukraine Known as the Breadbasket of Europe
WHy were they known as the breadbasket of euprose
Because they were rich in fertile soil- they produced more than 1/2 of all grain in the svoit union
And they were rich in resources(coals iron and more)
More of 1922 Soviet Ukraine
They absorbed it into the soviet union
In the beginning the Ukrainians initially enjoyed the sense of individuality and ownership under Lenin
Lenin was the first and founding head of government of soviet russia and of the svoiet union
1921- 1928 (Short and explain it)
New economic Policy
Bolsheviks gave peasants private ownership to farms and stuff
1923(Short and Explain)
This is when the Ukrainians experienced period of religious, economic, and cultural revival due to lenient Soviet polices
Joseph Stalin
1927 Joseph Stalin
Was the ruthless leader of the soviet union and took power after Lenin death
Hated Lenins economic and cultural polices and tried to reverse them
Saw peasents as weeks dn a threat to his power due to the size of their class
Wanted to exploit peasents for agricultural purposes and elimate them
They were class of wealthy landowners in Ukraine
They were viewed as a threat to Soviets because they had private land
Became scape goats for the soviet union
Five year plans
Five Year Plans
Stalins plan was a a serios of soviet polices to rapidly modernize, milizatze and indsutrlize to become world power
Controlled all industry and agricultues (the soviet union controlled them)
Built factories mills and power plants
Sent enimes to the gulags(work camps) whichr results 8-17 million people being killed
They were called enimines of the state
1928-1937 Collectivization
This was a soviet policu to elimiate indivdual alnd and labor which forced farmers and peasants into giant collective farms which caused a famine
Motives behidn the Holodomar- Stalins forced famine
- Complete control of valuable land and resources in Ukraine
2.Fear of being considered weak and vulnerable by world powers - Showcase of ethnic and racial superiority of the soviets
- Annihilation of anyone resisting soviet policies in Ukraine
Death by starvation 1932-1933 The Holodomor
Man Made froced famine by stalin and Soviet union
Imposed high and strict grain quotas on Ukr. famrmers
Confiscated all grains/foods
Resulted in 7-10 million Ukr. starved to death(mostly peasants)
Ate leaves , dogs and cats, frogs, mice and bired and some resorted to cannibalism and ate their children
25,000 per day
Evidence of gencoide
Law of 5 Grain stalks
This law declared all food properly of the USSR- SEEVERE OENALITES