Armeiam Flashcards
Ancient Rome and Greece set up what
Set the foundation for gencoide and make key terms/elements
Ancient Rome and Greece believed in what
-They believed in natural slavery, preservation of culture, superiority, expansion, fear of rebellion, the importance of farming
The age of discovery and conquest
-Built on ideas from the Ancient gree and Rome empire
-They applied the ideas of barbarism, natural slavery, and superiority to modern societies
The age of Imperialism & Colonialism
-They had advanced technology , and they used this to prey on inferior/ weaker nations to show empire strength.
The Evolution of Mass Murder
Thye built of the precedents of earlier genocides like the Ancient Rome and Greece empire.
-They focused on expansion for resources, living space, farmland,
-They also wanted to reclaim lost land for their powerful empire
-They also wanted to preserve their empire but eliminate smaller nations to avoid them interfering with their power and way of life.
National Chauvinist Dictatorships
This was a government-run on racial superiority
-Allowed to kill w/o consquences
-Aimed to create a master race, and this is what justified it
-Wanted to eliminate interior nations and wanted to purify
Genocide during WW1
They rapidly produced weapons, military enrolment, soldiers, mass transportation, new communication lines and etc
-They spead massive amounts of money on improving all this
-All this rapid increase made genocide around this time very effective and efficient
The military tactic called
“Total war” allowed for war to cross into cities
-This resulted in innocent civilians’ lives being lost
The people who were committing gencoide used WW1 as a distraction from the mass murders that were being carried out.
In the Beginning…Ancient Armenia
3000-year-old civilazation
-1st nation to pick up Christianity
Believed noahs arch landed there
-Spend most time under foreign rule
-Despite this they still matined a stron sense of identity and culture
-Mojority were peasants but also artists
Beginning of Turkish Poeple and Armeninas
Turkish people inhabited Armemina
-Ottoman empire absorbed Armerina as part of its empire
-population of 2.5 million
Abdul Hamid II
Introcued discriminatory pratcies against Armernias
-Nickname: “The Bloody Sultan”
-Didnt allow them to participate in gov. pratices and limited their civil and property rights
The treaty of berlin
-Armermicans were treated as second class ciztizans
-Protesters were fighting for equal rights, freedom and eqatily
The treaty of berlin aimed for what they were fighting for but it was never enforced
Hamidian Massacres
Mass murder of armerna whos contuened to protest
-Around 100,000-300,000 people died
-Armenian people were peaceful and never disobeyed
-Foreshawoing gencodie
The ottoman empire became known as the….
“sick man of europe”
Minorities began to get freedom and power which made the empire decline in power and land
Young Turks wanted to
remove sultan from leadership and create a monarchy
-Soon this group became separated into two groups
-The side who wanted more liberation
-The other side who desired a strong centrzlied government
Theside of the young turks who ______ government seized power and created Pan Turk
who desired a strong a centralized government seized power and created Pan Turk
Turkey for turks was basically the unficaiton of turkish people under the same religion, control, governemt
-They wante to elimate everyone else
They used Armernians as a scapegoat from the ottoman empire
-Published anti-armernia propaganda
-Muslim leader also pushed for this propaganda which made turkish people ahte them even more
Motives of the Armenian Genocide
- fera of Armernia Genociee
Minority groups gained freedom, Empire declined in land & power
Feared Armenians would attempt to overthrow Turkish rule, seek assistance from Russia (Ottoman enemy)
Motives of the Armenian Genocide
2.Desire to expand territory and unify all Turks
-Pan-Turkism” called for unification of Turks from Europe to Middle East & ethnic cleansing of all others from territory
-Majority of Armenians lived in Anatolia Turks in Middle East
Motives of the Armenian Genocide
3.Turkish feelings of racial and cultural superiority over Armenians
Turks viewed Armenian culture, religion & language as weak & inferior, attempted assimilation or “Islamization”
Main Perpetrators of the Genocide
- Collectively planned, organized, & executed extermination of Armenians
- Used WWI as propaganda, scapegoat, & distraction to carry out mass murder
Mehmed Talaat Pasha
Ismail Enver Pasha
Ahmed Djemal Pasha
Mehmed Talaat Pasha
Grand Vizier (Prime Minister) & Minister of the Interior
Assassinated in Berlin in 1921 by Armenian Genocide survivor
Ismail Enver Pasha
- Minister of War
Ahmed Djemal Pasha
- Minister of the Navy
- Turks desired establishment of national empire – 1 language, 1 religion
- Intent: Exterminate & ethnically cleanse Ottoman Empire of “impurities” (Armenians)
April 24, 1915:
- Hundreds of Armenian leaders, intellectuals rounded up, first to be hanged/murdered
Remaining women, children, elderly led on death march into Syrian desert- Raped, starved, murdered, kidnapped
Men drafted to army; killed instantly, worked to death
- Raped, starved, murdered, kidnapped
- Villages raided; merciless killings began
1 ½ of 2-2 ½ million Armenians kille
Turkish gov’t. refuses to admit guilt for genocide even to this day
Criminal offense to discuss Armenian Genocide – up to 10 years in jail